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牡蠣料理ダイニング RATCHET AMMA六本木 かき心

Lord #Shiva is known by thousands of names. Bhava "Being" Sarva "the All” Parshupati “Lord of Creatures” Kapardin “Lord of Dreadlocks” Sahasraksha “Thousand Eyed” called “Blue-Throated One” because his throat turned blue from drinking down the world-threatening poison churned up from the Sea-Of-Creation As *MahaKala Shiva is “great Lord of Time” He is “Lord of the Waves" He is #Nataraja "Lord of Dance" creating and destroying the cosmosAs Dakshinamurti he is an ascetic and teacher. He is also Umapati the husband of Uma or Parvati, father of Ganesha. One moment Lord of the Universe, Vishvanatha the next a gaunt beggar wearing animal skins smeared with human ashe, skulls and snakes. Dancing, begging, slaying demons… enthroned goddess Shakti literally his “energy” and “power” …one cannot speak of Shiva as “he” for “he” is Ardhanarishvara "Lord who is half-woman" he is Shivaratri “Night of Shiva” in his manifestation as the darkness of the uncreated-Cosmos Shiva's relationship to the sacred landscape of India is expressed prolifically in the indigenous theological language of story, song, and symbol, ritual and pilgrimmage – as vast as the cosmos, as close as the hill at the edge of town. Shiva fits no category, has no caste, is outside the social order, both young and old, married and celibate. Shiva is depicted with the #crescentMoon adorning his ascetic’s hair as a #jewel Shiva as both sakala “with parts” and "nishkala“undivided, without parts” draws its meaning from the waxing and waning of the moon One translation of kalais “a fraction of the moon” … The Moon’s day, Monday *Somavara is 

associated with Shiva, as well as the day proceeding 

the new-Moon 

नीचे बकवास करने के लिए                            
LORD SHIVAS  jyortirlingas*:・゚✧      

The lingas or “emblems” of holy light, are places where Shiva made himself manifest. Varanasi, Banaras, which Hindus call Kashi the luminous City-of-Light is understood as the earthly manifestation of Shiva’s Linga of Light..a sacred zone where the fathomless light of Shiva intersects the Earth. A place where many go to die and become liberated “Death in Kashi is liberation.” The fire of Shiva and the cooling waters of the Ganga, considered to be liquid form of Shakti (the Yoni or base of the Linga) are linked here through countless rituals of purification… all the great jyortirlingams are associated with divine-Waters These are the places where Maha Kala Shiva Lord-of-Time appeared as a fathomless column of light…often, lingas are simple stones or rocky outcroppings empowered by the religious imagination of the people, the jyortirlinga is an axisMundi (cosmic-Axis*) a piercing pillar of light running through the core of the universe. Within their many temples, the rhythm of rituals includes the adorned linga aratiDarshan of evening and the naked nirvana Darshan of morning. During nirvana darshan, worshippers pour water and milk offerings on the linga, heaping on its shaft garlands of wildflowers, sandal-paste, a crown, crystallized sugar, dried fruits, nuts, coconut. Pilgrims touch the stone with their hands or foreheads, rubbing it with ghee, making offerings 

Ecstatic-Birth-Blanket*:・゚✧ * 


     Go! Push Pops Ecstatic Birth Blanket Babylon performance, 2016 
     photo: @interviewmag
                                 ALSO ON VIEW                                                               
                          Go! Push Pops              

                                         2015 in Tokyo, Japan

  • 🌈☄️ YAZZZz!!!!❤️💛💚💙💜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ✨😻🔥⚡️💓👏🏼

PRAY WILD, Tokyo, Japan @gopushpops
🌈☄️ YAZzz!!!!

   THE FAM @Undakova   

ULTRACULTURAL OTHERS Urban-Mystery-Skool  @ultraculturalothers offers a 1-Month Wellness Immersive Artist-Residency for Radical Creatives to 3-4 select applicants per year. Artist program fee covers HOUSING FOR ONE MONTH, CSA FARM SHARE, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TOOLS, ARTIST FEATURE AT OUR WELLNESS RITUAL DREAM BEAT, WEEKLY READINGS FROM THE POST-COLONIAL QUEER FEMINIST ARCHIVE, A BIKE & Your choice of 2 or our mystery skool self-studies: TRANSCENDENTALDRUMMING, HIGH PRIESTESS HIP HOP, PRIMAL YOGA, Pussy Whispering, Divination, Glitter Fairy Priestess Self-Healing Techniques, Monk Mojo, Ayurvedic Mama's Nutrition is BLISS, Sacred Twerk, Doula's Apprentice, Eco-Feminist Permaculture & Anarchist Street ART (WORK STUDY Available)

-  - Greater sense of Self in relationship to Community - -  A tool-belt of Creative Self-care and Wellness Activities - - A greater sense of Purpose, Intentionality and Integrity with regards to your Creative Path - - A cultivated commitment to daily Spiritual Hygiene and Bodily Awareness - - Greater Earning Potential - we believe your Network is your “Net Worth”- - A desire to work together for Positive Social Change at the Transnational level - - An increased sense of Self-worth and stewardship of the Earth - - An increased Social Justice IQ, with an opportunity to reflect deeply on the dynamics of race, place, nation, virtuality and commerce that inform your Art practice(s) - -

                                                                            APPLY for the 2018-19 cycle here*

a.k.a. Rogue faerie locked in a Culture lacking organic female Rite Of Passagesensuous in her flights Of Language, hovering between frenzy / Reflection singing - swinging - swerving 

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