Ok so its been a few month of being involved in twittering. Yes I have been on Twitter since January I believe and I have about 530 followers and have made several tweets which go directly to my facebook status which I love. So basically I have been using twitter to be a connection to making status's that not only go to facebook but can be on the twitter public timeline as well as in several widgets that are attached to my blog and even myspace. I guess its say for me social networking has been a focus in the new year. But it gets better. . .even better. I am about to try Twhirl. You know what Twhirl is? oh man so why didn't you tell me? Oh oh you don't know what it is? Well its a desktop application (which might be shady) that allows you to organize your twitter experience in a huge way. They even have more of these desktop appliciations available by other names. Tweet Deck and some others probably exist too. So anyhow it was a decision between Tweet deck and Twhirl for me and today I am going to give Twhirl a whirl haha.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="330" caption="Twhirl Screen Capture"]
How did I come to that decision. Well I checked some blogs about it. I got a recommendation from an article called Social Media Myth by Michelle Macphearson first. And then I did some research to see who blogged about it and so these two blogs. Blog One-- Blog Two--- Made my choice and here we have it. I am officially a newbie at Twhirl. I will let ya know how it works for me. Peace and love.
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="330" caption="Twhirl Screen Capture"]
How did I come to that decision. Well I checked some blogs about it. I got a recommendation from an article called Social Media Myth by Michelle Macphearson first. And then I did some research to see who blogged about it and so these two blogs. Blog One-- Blog Two--- Made my choice and here we have it. I am officially a newbie at Twhirl. I will let ya know how it works for me. Peace and love.