I don't really trust what you read online. You have to do your own research. Its always a good way to start a inquire or conversation. Is taking information from blogs as straight raw facts a good idea? I always noticed that blogs are usually someones opinion and not the news, and even the news is opinionated and rarely factual these days(in my blog opinion). Anyhow the link below is written Eric Garland a "trend analyst" who alledgely has the inside scoop on what is going on behind the company Guitar Center. What you will read after clicking the link can change the landscape of the music industry and many other businesses, musicians.
Check it out and see for yourself how YOU might directly be affected by Guitar Center's changing of ownership. Reminds me of when someone told me that Tower Records was going to close down in the city and I wouldn't be able to preview vinyl records the same way I grew up doing because there would be a main online store that sold MP3s etc. Also I heard that Pearl Paint the large art store on Canal Street has shut down it's doors as well. Is this a sign of the times?