Grateful that my mom is alive and well. #Blessings
I was playing this album a few nights ago. Just in the zone and enjoying the music. My mom who is visiting from her warm climate abode in Florida over heard the music and began to enjoy it with me. I had no idea what the context of the song I was playing on vinyl was for her.
Turns out this song was the song her bridal party came in and was introduced on. This was at the wedding before my time on earth. Classic times. She began showing me the dance that they came in and walked doing. She was smiling and making the announcements of her bridal party. She was happy the music brought her back to that place in time.
Music is healing. Weddings are special. I am so grateful that my dad left me some of the best records I could ever know. There were many times my mom told me to sell the records or get rid of them. I am so grateful I didn't listen. I am grateful for my lineage from 70s classic music to hip hop that I grew up listening to that sampled these great works of art. Many hip hop artist such as Black Moon sampled Donald Byrd which is where I first became unknowingly familiar with his music. Rest in peace Franky Knuckles, Rest in Peace Donald Byrd, Rest in peace Dad.
Thank you for me being alive today in great health and able to share music with my loved ones who are still alive and well. I often get upset when things don't go my way or when I don't get exactly what I ordered. But everything happens for a reason and usually brings me to a more humbled, and vulnerable space that is readying me for growth and a lesson. Life is short. Enjoy it and when you are not enjoying something don't pretend to be. Accept what you think you can't accept and then move on. There are many "places and spaces" and things to see be and enjoy. And if you are fortunate you just might be in good spirits to witness them and enjoy them. So collect and honor that fortune and stay blessed.