Turns out that being a stalker has become cool. These days if you are following more than 500,000 people you are part of an elite group of folks such as Internet Marketers, Brands, Companies and Government officials. Well what do I mean when I say following? Well I mean on Twitter of course. Some my "Digg" (Diggs.com) some may "add as friends"(myspace,facebook) and some may "become a fan of" (reverbnation.com) but on twitter we follow to hear your latest tweets. The more people you follow the more tweets you hear, the more tweets are heard by you, the more influence you have they say. But don't take my word for it. Do your own research on Twitter or check out this Free Twitter Report and know more "twitter secrets". From what I have noticed even my daily newspaper AM NEW YORK wants me to "follow them on twitter" Perhaps so they can follow me and communicate better with their readers. Who else is interested in the follow phase we are in?
[caption id="attachment_100" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Follow your newspaper"]
Well it turns out that Google is all about following its users of Google Maps through its GPS tracking system. Do you want to be tracked and followed by Google? Who do you want to be followed by? Where does following become stalking and an invasion of privacy. Where should the boundaries begin? Should there be any boundaries or should I be able to go to Bank of America and allow them to follow me to the next store I make my purchase and then tweet me online or on my cell phone a direct message asking me "if I would like to make another purchase based on the purchase I made after making my stop at their ATM" Yikes is that where its going or is this whole GPS follow me trend just another way to keep tabs on our children who might be hanging out with their mobile phone at a bar on the other side of town during school hours.
[caption id="attachment_103" align="alignnone" width="226" caption="Google, Following You, "]
From my experience, when I was young lad growing up in New York City, 42nd street was a great get away for a kid who knew how to get around on the bus/train as well as where to spend my $20 dollars in quarters. Good thing I was just into video games mom. We didn't have txt, Tweets, Or "Telephones" that tell you when to make your next "left turn"
So my next and final question to you is: Who is following you right now?
P.S. Follow me at Undakova is Twitter'd Out for more of my doings. . .
[caption id="attachment_100" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Follow your newspaper"]
Well it turns out that Google is all about following its users of Google Maps through its GPS tracking system. Do you want to be tracked and followed by Google? Who do you want to be followed by? Where does following become stalking and an invasion of privacy. Where should the boundaries begin? Should there be any boundaries or should I be able to go to Bank of America and allow them to follow me to the next store I make my purchase and then tweet me online or on my cell phone a direct message asking me "if I would like to make another purchase based on the purchase I made after making my stop at their ATM" Yikes is that where its going or is this whole GPS follow me trend just another way to keep tabs on our children who might be hanging out with their mobile phone at a bar on the other side of town during school hours.
[caption id="attachment_103" align="alignnone" width="226" caption="Google, Following You, "]
From my experience, when I was young lad growing up in New York City, 42nd street was a great get away for a kid who knew how to get around on the bus/train as well as where to spend my $20 dollars in quarters. Good thing I was just into video games mom. We didn't have txt, Tweets, Or "Telephones" that tell you when to make your next "left turn"
So my next and final question to you is: Who is following you right now?
P.S. Follow me at Undakova is Twitter'd Out for more of my doings. . .