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Sum Kid re-releases the NOBODY HOLE

I downloaded Sum Kid's The Nobody Hole album a few days or so before halloween in October of 2010. I received 27 song mp3s from Sum Kid's Band Camp page onto to my laptop computer which I transferred to my iphone to listen to. Like I said it was October and late at night. I don't normally get in bed and listen to music at night especially an Hip Hop album but when its called for I love to go to sleep with something in my ears that will be better listened to and viewed with my eyes closed. Plus it was late when I downloaded it and I couldn't wait until the morning to properly listen to this tale of the NOBODY HOLE.



I soon realize that this album is a not only a collection of songs but it is a whole world and a story along with it. It begins with Act  1 (The Storm) that sets the scene for a ride with a character by the name of "Pigmy Paul" who witnesses a storm and decides that he'd better run home after playing arcade games after school. Ok this is already different than any hip hop album I have listened to. Characters are played and rhymes spit by Sum Kid Maere. Act 1 and through Act 3 you will hear music and sound scapes designed by Badtouch. Yes I can actually hear rain and the storm in the background while looking at pictures and designs for each unique song by Doug Hoffman and other new artist that have taken the Nobody Hole Characters such as Manda, Jaquelantern and Old Man Geechi and breathed new life into them with new illustrations.

After  I took a  Listen to ACT 1 of the NOBODY HOLE I was a bit skeptical but what really hooked me was how slowly it developed and how melodic the sound was. The next song "The Most Depressing Song in the world' came on and this hauntingly catchy chorus appeared "You're always sad and you always cry, Your always mad. still you always try" and by that point I was hooked. I wanted to know more about what would take place in this dark setting created by Sum Kid and company and as Nzinga narrated the cast of Characters and people who made the album possible its almost as if I could see the credits rolling across the animated screen in my head, feel the cold rain, and feel as if I was "Pigmy Paul" running home through the storm as fast as I could because of some strange feeling in my gut.

The rest of this scenic spooky tale is for me more enjoyable than the Hip Hop that is mainstream steets bumping through your nearest car system subwoofer speakers here in Brooklyn. Id rather use music as an escape down the rabbit hole any day, and follow a tale than hear the same old bragadocious raps about how I am a gangster and the best negro in america because of my fancy car and women who do anything for me. Blah aren't we a little two young for that type of mature conversation. Mature conversations when I was younger in hip hop where always boring for me. I like my to envoke Peace Love and Having fun. This album makes me remember the movie how cutting edget the movie the WIZ was with Richard Pryar playing the Wizard and the scarecrow dancing was Micheal Jackson moonwalking around Diana Ross. Although I have heard other songs that told stories, such as Slick Rick's Children story, or KRS's Loves gonna get ya etc. This album is different because it told an entire story with 27 songs for only 9 bucks! I was pleased with my purchase and believe me money was tight.

Perhaps you are inking oh wow is this a hip hop mixtape with different of Sums best punchlines over some commercial sounding hip hop beats. No, NO triple NO. By the time we get to the song "Sleepy" still in ACT 1 you will realize that these beats are commercial sounding and Sum's flow is dynamic enough to pull off a down south vibed track with the introduction of Scarecrows that welcome you and Paul into the Nobody Hole while dancing to some eery sounding strings. I felt like how I did when I first seen the movie Dumbo and the elephant first met those crows and they sang and made fun of him at first. Ok I am old but my suggestion is don't play this album for kids at a camp fire. They will not only have fun and love you for it but you might be scared shitless at some points. "ssshhhh welcome home Paul"

Who is Sum? Well Sum is a neyba who has made his presence known during his stays in New York and by impacting the independent hip hop artist scene here with his original lyrics and powerful voice and presence. The Nobody Hole was recorded in the summer of 2006 here in NYC.  Sum wasn't complete with his creation and although he gave out a few hundred CDs to a select few and took his creative genius back to LA after birthing "The Nobody Ball" October 31st, 2006 in the Tribeca Grand Hotel’s screening room. The Nobody Hole was still not complete. Sum mostly had hopes to animating the albums storybook musical themes.

Now let me just say I hope that sum does continue with this project and fully animate this tale. What would I see? Manda, a crazy killer in a Panda Mask who doesn't stop hunting until he completes his gruesome attacks. Jaquelantern's enchanting mirror dance after the tragic life she lived with her father. The Thief king with his robe and sly talking fu man choo style and stance. I don't want to spoil it but you got to listen to this album and buy it for yourself because the visuals and music are superb. Especially for this day and age where originality is often celebrated whilst deep down inside knowing that you saw, and heard it but atleast its more original than the other stuff that totally sucks. That's not praise that's just acceptance. This album stands out for its originality and creativity. Its well done and professional and deserves every penny.


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