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Do you want to throw in the towel?

Listen to the track I am not done yet and keep on persevering. 

Happy Wednesday **

I’ve been keeping a secret for a while.


(Yeah, I know. That is a lame thing to do. But read on, and you’ll understand!)


For the past year, I’ve been learning – working with clients privately, while also staying focused on songwriting and producing my own music.


Why did I do this?


I was expanding as a person and I wanted to give more. I wanted to really see how women’s lives, their art and heart centered businesses could be transformed in their work with me after attending a New Moon Gathering. So I only told a few select people what I was doing.


And I’m really excited to let you know that, weeks into the course, I finished recording my first solo album and have been sharing my music with a select few people through my coaching. I am now coaching full time! (Yes, the results have been spectacular – and my clients are blazing new trails!)


So, here’s why I’m writing…


I have opened a few select spaces for new clients.


The women (and awakening brothers) I work with have trouble managing their time. They are in between early but are stuck with fear of making the wrong choices so they earn a living from jobs that don’t offer them enough time and money to work on their art, healing practices and heart centered businesses. They’re tired of hiding their anthology of poetry, catalog of abundant gifts, and hiding their ambition to be successful rockstar healers and Artreprenuers. They know there’s SO MUCH MORE for them in their lives. And they are ready to get out of the rat race once and for all.


Here’s a few of the results they can expect when they work with me:

  • Increase in focus, clarity toward daily execution of their vision and careers for two months. We call this “Minding your own business” and this determination comes naturally and willingly. (I don't use force, inauthentic sales pitching or require unhealthy risks.)

  • A renewed sense of purposefulness in their daily life around all areas of life (areas such as relationships, wealth, and health as well as career)

  • Evidence of their business increases up to 90% (my clients have registered their business, enhanced social network presences, created new marketing materials, gained more work, money and community service) - and much more balance and life enjoyment.

  • PLUS, a lot of support, accountability, compassion, and (when needed) intuitive guidance and tough love!

In other words, I help people lose the problem of time management and remove fears about how to move forward. And I help them get their essential self back on track and focused . . with ease.


If you know in your heart, you are ready for results like these…


PLEASE email me at (Or just reply to this email!) I will schedule a Crescent Moon Clarity Call with you at no charge. This phone call or video chat itself could change your life as it provides clarity for your business and your life.


And if you know a friend who has been confiding in you that she is ready to change her capacity serve and her life – then you have my full permission to forward this email to her. I’ll take great care of her!


Thank you kindly

Peace and Love




Artist Ashram: October 31st: Hallow.. What?!?! .. Nahhh



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