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Recognize your Divine Worth- Ezine

My name is David Williams I am an Urban Shaman and owner of Hip Hop Yoga company Undakova Enterprises
I HELP Agents of the divine get recognized for their authentic expression and be seen as a leader through their creativity and anthology of work
SO THAT they no longer are dependent on menial jobs that deter them from traveling more, having control of their life, and doing what they love.
May this message remind you that you no longer need to harbor negative thoughts about your past, past circumstances or relationships. Be grateful for what you have gone through because it has taught you what you needed to know for you to be here today. You are perfect in your imperfections and there is nothing wrong with being a work in progress. You are loved and deserve loving relationships. For more lessons each day and new music you can become a member of my Undakova WebSite
DREAM BEAT: Water Bearer
DATE: Friday February 1st

DREAM TEAM TiX are 1/2 PRICE now thru 1/26

Dream Beat is a contemporary wellness party ritual drawing together creative radicals, visionaries and those who wish to connect to the divinity found in the mind, sacred arts & nature. Co-led by Undakova & High Prieztezz Or Nah plus rotating featured artists, our Dream Beat events will allow you to collectively practice holistic techniques designed to cultivate strength of mind and body, clarity of vision and total heart expansion.

This month's ritual falls on a New Moon in Aquarius "the Water Bearer," a creature pouring water in abundance. Aquarius season invites us to treasure the Visionary within us.  You deserve loving relationships, loving experiences and loving acceptance from the world around you. 
Doors close at 8pm to hold sacred space

This Month's Featured Artists :

- Hip Hop Yoga Cipher led by

- Dance warm-up led by Charlotte Cwikowski

- Transformational breathwork & Heart-warming Cacao Invocation with High Prieztezz Or Nah

- Fan Ny will be using dowsing to tap into the subconscious to release negative emotions

- Tarot readings by
Tristen Goodwin


Receive the secret location of this month's event when you buy tickets via Eventbrite

Subscribe to our exclusive Dream Beat Club space for the Shakti-Slayers that really know whatsup

Like us on Facebook Dream Beat

Doors close at 8pm to hold sacred space.
Buy Tickets Now
Now is the time to gather with like minded people.
The DEADLINE to sign up for Dream Beat Half Priced Tickets is 1/26. Limited spaces are filling up. . .Text me to sign up now.


Benefits of Dream Beat:
*Be seen for your authentic self within community.
*Have a hi-vibrational time with cacao not alcohol
*Be inspired to take your creativity to a more radical state
*Learn different sacred arts practices directly from others
*A day of community practicing wellness together 
EMAIL ME NOW TO RSVP and for more info
The Vision Board Workshop was a success. See a video and image recap here
Peace and love. Hope to see you at the next event 

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Unknown said…
I see post a comment. Can I stick a link in n there?

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