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✨πŸ™πŸ’œ Let's focus on creating our own happiness -UNDAKOVA ENTERPRISES πŸ’€πŸ’œπŸ•›

"You're right, you win. Ok now let's focus on creating our own happiness" -UNDAKOVA

We are now back and channeling our energy into action.
By seeking golden opportunities that allow me to access the richness of my soul I have linked up with my family from @BEATGLOBAL and it feels good. My partner Or_Nah and I are birthing some wonderful projects that will allow me to express my life-force energy with integrity. Balancing the masculine and feminine sides of my beingness. From intimate drum circles to bustling streets and New York Galleries we are back in the grind of life NYC. 

As keepers of the violet flame we are remembering that without darkness the stars could not shine. Without the challenges and obstacles you have overcome and faced there would be no growth and you wouldn't be as powerful and focused as you are today. Shine bright and stay blessed

Kova and Kali Photo by Andrei Jewell of 2017
Wednesdays 8th-29th,


SKOOL from 2pm-4pm 

$20 Love Exchange per session led by Undakova
Saturday, November 5th, 2pm- 4pm


"Twelve jyortirlingas the lingas or “emblems” of holy light, are places where Lord Shiva manifest. The eruption of the linga of light,  piercing earth and heaven, spans the space between earth/sky. It is an axis mundi, cosmic axis, a piercing pillar of light running through the center of the universe, it both centers the world and transcends it. Lingas are miraculous, appearances of Shiva as outcroppings in the earth. The pillar of the linga is Shiva while the circular base, called a pitha or yoni, the “seat” is Shakti. Shiva is timeless trascendence; Shakti, the active energy of time and creation. Together, they form the whole of what is worshipped  – both Shiva/Shakti, male and female. Dancing, begging, slaying demons, his body smeared with human ashe from the cremation pyre, ornamented with skulls and snakes… Shiva is enthroned with Shakti, his “power” …“he” is Ardhanarishvara, the Lord who is half-woman. The fire of Shiva and the cooling waters of the Ganga,  liquid form of Shakti, are  linked… all the great jyortirlingas are associated with divine waters; springs, streams, and wells that bring the heavenly Ganga to the linga of Shiva. Pouring water over the shiva linga recapitulates ritually the falling of the rivers from heaven. Today where temples encompass jyortirlingas,  worshippers pour water and milk on the linga, heaping  on its shaft sandal-paste, flower garlands, silver, crowns. Pictured here is the jyortirlinga of Mahakala Mahakaleshwar, Ujjain. One of the seven cities of liberation, it dates back to the time of Buddha and is considered the center or "navel" of India/the Earth. the temple is called called Garha Kalika, literally “Kali’s House” for Mahakala Shiva as the great  
Destroyer, Lord of time & death."

- Notes from Or Nah's performative lecture staring UNDAKOVA as Lord SHIVA, presented live during TRANS-VILLE November 5th
Thursday November 9th, 6:30PM

BLOOD MAGIK: The Panel Discussion

We held a space to reflect and relay the momentary pleasures, pains, traumas and triumphs that our women of the earth sacrificed to empower us all and take back birth. Those who danced and sang out their babies, rebelled against convention, made art, made love, experienced orgasmic birth, unassisted birth, water birth or birth outside in nature were all invited into the cypher at the labyrinth to share herstory. 

 part of Open Source Gallery's "Reimagining Tradition" A Ritual Art Series (highlighting intersections between socially engaged art & ritual practice) And as such we will be opening a panel discussion on all of the progress thus far with our project and the other artist featured in "REimagining Tradition"

Panel Speakers:
James LeonardNia I’man SmithJasmine MurrellErin Ellen KellyULTRACULTURAL OTHERS & Leigh Davis in conversation about Art & Ritual Practice

November 9, 6:30pm at 
Brooklyn Public Library

Image Courtesy Open Source Gallery

Or Nah telling her Birth Herstory during our
BLOOD MAGIK/Birth Herstories Ritual at the Labyrinth

November 17th 6-10pm Friday

Dream Beat invokes the language of the Goddess expressed by poets, shamans, artists and emcees as pathways between worlds, a sacred space where the names and forms of false consciousness disappear. Come together with our Dream Beat tribe to reinvigorate your purpose for many moons to come.

- divine incantation - song - dance - cultural dreaming - drums - cacao - prayer - meditation - asana

YOGA FLOW 6:15-7:15pm led by 
Mary Ann Fernandez 
1st Floor Sixth Street Community Center (extra $10)

Doors close at 8pm to hold sacred space

: : : FEATURES & ARTISTS : : :

- Opening Direction Ceremony #
Jennifer Jaffe
- Cacao Ceremony co-created #Florencia Fridman & Romany Pope
- Reiki healing #Damali Abrams
- Tarot, Tea, and Astrology readings #The Regenerates
- Dance Rituals #Charlotte Cwikowski
- Conscious Affirmation Soundscapes #Undakova
- Dream Beat Drum Tribe
- Crystalling Sound Bath Savasana 
#Or Nah Katie Cercone

Let's connect to the divinity found in the mind, sacred arts & nature. 
Buy DREAM SEED $10 Ticket
ΰΈˆΰΈ³ΰΈ™ΰΈ§ΰΈ™ΰΈ‘ΰΈ²ΰΈ BONUSES 
At first I was running away because I didn't want to grow anymore in relationships. I wanted to beg to the universe for mercy and forgiveness and just stay to myself. But I then realized I was whole and complete and extremely ready for the next phase in the cycle of my life. 

Having a twin flame isn't always bunnies and roses. It ain't always pretty. They are mirrors of you in ways that trigger your subconscious feelings and emotions. 

I have come a long way in learning myself. One of my desires and habits is to not talk to anyone before I meditate and pray in the morning. But that goes out the window because of my relationship with my beautiful son who wakes me up every morning who I choose to lift up a joyful voice while reading, dancing or doing yoga with. Also I have a wonderful partner who on occasion engages me in thought provoking conversations about the priorities in our life be it mutual career moves, or the day to day necessities of running our household. 

I digress. And mention this to say finding your TWIN FLAME will open doors and amplify the areas in which you normally could keep closed in your inner sanctum. 
The beauty of it all is that you become greater than you would had you not found your match. Greater in the sense that my capacity to heal, let go and forgive becomes strengthened and my heart has become wider but also more focused and intentional. My darkness becomes my greatest source for finding my light and I now know by experience that two flames coming together make the fire burn brighter and shine as one. 

Honored to be in collaboration and co-creation with this Beastly BOSS. I feel the Scorpio Season has emerged once again. May your shadow side be shown to you in your relationships and offer you a greater capacity to grow and connect to your highest self. :).

I am going in. Knowing all I have to do is remember the cosmic light above my crown chakra and to ground myself fully in my truth. I can speak from the heart and just be the honest soul that I am. This is why I am grateful to be your guide through these Dream Beat Rituals we have daily as well as bringing you more and more music and good medicine for the new paradigm we are bringing forth. Become a member of Undakova's patreon site

One thing I realized returning to NYC from Thailand with a recent passing of an acquaintance and brother of mine is. . . That many people celebrate and fan you once you are DEAD. But when you are alive they can easily take for granted the role you play in the world an in their lives. Don't do that shit. When I was in Thailand I was telling everyone who asked about my music about the parties I learned it from. I even spoke about these parties and how I met people at them at our last Dream Beat. I say that to say share the things that inspire you.

Praise more of what you want in your life and less of what you don't want. What you put your energy toward will then flourish. If you like the music and sounds we share and have been a friend of these Dream Beat experiences become a patreon on this site You will receive a new DJ mix every wednesday, lesson plans and exercises for kids and adults, and more. In other words don't wait until I am dead to support then. It's only a dollar an exclusive as it gets.

Thank you for reading this important transmission. Please take a moment to spread the word about the above events mentioned to those who might benefit from this sacred ritual. Feel free to send me a message and continue building our relationship. With love and light always.


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