as SOLARA Saturnalia
· Living Goddesses of Nepal ⚔⚔⚔⚔
Today's "wellness Industry" & Yoga in the
West have become distorted by Eurocentric beauty standards, cultural amnesia and
community-eroding mechanisms of white patriarchal consumer capitalism.
Pictured The Rite of Yoni-Worship ...standing
under the arch of a Yoginis legs a devotee drinks "Yoni-tattva" the-Sublime-Essence
Century Stone Carving in India
When Europeans undertook their campaigns of conquest and
domination in what seemed to them “new” worlds, white observers regarded the
ecstatic rituals of darker-skinned peoples with horror/revulsion. In truth,
Christianity was originally an ecstatic religion. Ritual ECSTASY cements social bonds. The old deities
descended from paganism and Asiatic Mother Cults were
accessible to all through ritually induced ecstasy. The Roman Church cracked
down on the Cults of Isis, Cybele and Dionysus practiced by Europe's gypsies.
For the Godfathers of White, Patriarchal Male Religion, these menacing
religions involving mad-Religious-Frenzy were
a threat to their authority. The new gods would speak only through MALE priests
or prophets. By the 18th century, strong parallels were made between the
immoral lives of the British underclass, Irish peasants, and "primitive
Africsns." Parisian “convulsionary” cults boasted styles of worship as RATCHET as
anything that could be found among the so called “savages.” Evidence of
ecstatic dancing hinged on observations of hair tossing, which was quickly
becoming a universal symbol of religious ecstasy. As Christianity transformed
from a religion of song and dance, Paul addressed a mandate to the Corinthian
congregation, "women should keep their heads covered in church." At
that time, the site of disheveled, freely flowing hair amongst Corinthian women
prophets who may have been whipping their hair "back and forth" and
"round and round" connected these women too closely with the ecstatic
worship of oriental deities. Paul was concerned with controlling ecstatic
activity…next, he warns Christian men to keep their hair cut [notes from Barbara Ehrenreich Dancing in The Streets: A History Of Collective Joy]
⚙ . . . ❄️, , .....☄
@gopushpops @legacyfatale Guerrilla Feministing at Trashion Reak, 2014 photo:@marietomanova
Moon Womb
Led by @siririshi @kunanate
Beloved Yogi Harlem, 2015
w/ @lunaleve @royalmothering
नीचे बकवास करने के लिए
a.k.a. Rogue faerie locked in a Culture lacking organic female Rite Of Passage, sensuous in her flights Of Language, hovering between frenzy / Reflection singing - swinging - swerving
VA VA VENUS: Expanding Hearts in the Temple of LOVE 💖 a collaboration with @lainielovedalby @gopushpops