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Cheers to the Workers (originally published 2016)

Cheers to the workers.
The student loan people who call you on the phone. 
The cashiers at Trader Joes. 
The gentleman who made sure my direct deposit went through. 
The social workers, interns and faculty I work with in the high schools. 
The security the doormen and women who are my friends and family and text me daily. 
The older gentleman that happily cleans the building even though the dust keeps piling high with construction every day. (Wilson)

Cheers to the workers. 
The bus driver who stepped out of the driver's seat on the bus and said 
"I will stop this bus if those kids don't stop running around like this bus is a playground” 
The mother who was doing her best to make sure her kids didn't misbehave on the bus 
and finally decided to take them off the bus and walk in order to teach them a lesson about the consequences of not behaving. 
Reminded me of my mom and how hard she worked to make sure her family was good and happy every day, especially during the holidays. 
To my manager at Juice Press who I wouldn’t have got through 2016 without.

Cheers to the workers.
To those relationships that aren't work related but are inspiration for work. 
To my partner allowing me to be her coach in Artivism and Spiritprenuership 
while using freestyle hip hop to connect to our highest selves. For helping me to practice being in integrity with my business. 
To my partner for encouraging me to stay on my job when I wanted to give up during those cold mornings having to be away from her and leave the house by 5am. 
Waking up to begin meditating at 4am. 

To the sacrifice my life partner has made to not work "as much" so she could devote that time to our son and developing in motherhood. 

To all my good peoples who wished they saw me on the dance floor this year
but respected that I was going to bed early and making sure the bills were paid.
Mobile Mondays, The Get Down, Unitribe, Freestyle Mondays, Sixth Street Community Center, Funk Box and many more classic communities and late nights I missed.
To my friends who open their arms to hug me when they haven’t seen me in a long time.

Cheers to the workers. The workers. The workers.

Cheers to the people that have two more days left to work until winter break. 
Cheers to the people that are going to work over the break just so we can ride a subway or order chinese food togo.

Cheers to the mutha f'n workers. 

Cheers to the DJs that are spinning for your holiday work parties. 
Cheers to the entrepreneurs that never had a holiday break. 

A wise soul told me to think about all of the different things that have to come together for us to be where we are at now,
wearing what we are wearing now,
doing what we are doing now in the environment we are in now.
There is a lot that goes into making the world we exist in . . .exist as it is, and yeah it isn't perfect. But it comes together so perfectly without us giving notice doesn't it? As we rush off to work sometimes?

Perhaps we can use less plastic things,
less oil,
less animal suffering,
less wasteful spending.
But no shame to anyone, we all make this machine work as it is
and we all CAN switch gears when ever we want to.
Maybe not overnight but. . . . one step at a time. . . .one day at time.


And last but not least. 
Cheers to the people at Standing Rock protecting the land from an industry that has gotten us this far but over time has also proven to be careless and run its course,
Standing for a new way of sustainably helping ourselves,
our animal folk,
and our planet
based on tradition and morals that have stood the test of time. 

And least but not last. 
Cheers to the magnificent creator who keeps the sun and moon working just as they were created and intended to work.
So we can live on this bountiful planet amongst all other living beings in harmony, and balance,
and build our society
and workforce
on principles that show and honor our respect for all life
and all beings being happy and free. 

Cheers to the workers.
From your fellow lightworker grateful for my work now and the work ahead. 


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