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😎🌟 Step into your peaceful warrior-like energy -UNDAKOVA ENTERPRISES ✨💥✌💜

"It's time to tie up all loose ends and take heart." -UNDAKOVA
    This is an exciting time 
    I am happy, loved, and continuing to do what I love
    Remembering that my career can compliment my purpose but not define it I am letting go of what no longer is serving me and moving forward with the universe's support one moment at a time.
Lot's of jewels on the horizon and we'd love to build with you going forward in the months to come. We are planning to go back to Thailand again this year. We are also planning a short road trip to the Unifier Festival June 22-25 and we'd love for you to join us in uniting the tribes and representing our NYC community out in Massachusetts .
      Stay committed and focused on the best outcome for all. Continue to stay disciplined and keep taking small steps. You will bring life-enhancing ideas into reality.
We may look "yung" and wide eyed at times but "This ain't our first rodeo"
Tuesday June 19th 6:30pm - 9pm

High Priestess Hip Hop House Gathering: 
      With the Summer Solstice approaching, we're plotting another
get together, and gearing up to bring in the summer season with some movement, chanting, rhyming, and heart connecting casual conversation.

I'll also be offering a 1-hour Chakra ecstatic dance
meditation music set as DJ UNDAKOVA
. So come out of your shell and into our home for a potluck, cypher and ritual gathering unlike any other.

We will be planting seeds for the next
Dream Beat at Unifier Roots Gathering (hope you can make the road trip), as well as freestyle rhyming our highs and lows, and moving ourselves out of the way to clear space for all of the goodness we want to see blossoming in our world for the summer through dance, song and play. Please bring a dish to share and good vibes! 
June 22nd-25th


 to Unifier Roots Gathering in MA 

      This month we are bringing Dream Beat, Hip Hop Yoga for adults and kids, and organic High Priestess Sacred Cyphers to Unifier Roots Gathering.

Please Join us at Unifier for another four days of shared beauty on incredible Land, with Live Music, Sacred World and Sacred Bass Music, Yoga, Live Painting, Circus Arts, Kirtan, Dance, Live Painting, Permaculture, Organic Food, Workshops, Kid's Programming, and humble ceremony, this time with riverside camping and a gorgeous Lake.

Dream Beat unifier will be co-led by MC "Make Change" Undakova and rotating featured artists, our DREAM BEAT events open with a meditation followed by circle work, live performance art, ecstatic dance, affirmations & cosmic visuals synergistically coordinated to help you cultivate strength of mind and body, clarity of vision and total heart expansion.
: : : DREAM BEAT: NEW MOON IN CANCER (Road Trip) : : :
Saturday, June 10, 11am - 6pm

Crochades @ SVA Makers Market

Metropolitan Pavilion 123 West 18 Street, 2nd floor (Metropolitan Suite)
SVA Makers Market is a DIY product fair showcasing exclusively alumni-made items such as apparel and accessories, furniture, jewelry, housewares, stationery and self-published books, magazines and comics, and more! Makers Market highlights the creative, entrepreneurial spirit of SVA alumni, bringing together some of the brightest talent in craft and design.
Every Saturday Starting June 16th @ 327 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn in Jane Bailey Community Garden 

FREE YOGA Led by Katie Cercone.
No experience necessary. All levels of fitness welcome.
Every Sunday @ Daya Yoga Studio 380 Jefferson St, Brooklyn 
Family Yoga led by UNDAKOVA w/Katie Cercone
Sacred, silly fun for the whole family. Positive and conscious music, mindful breathing, animated poses, and basic yogic principles helps promote coordination and body awareness.

Pregnant people and families with kids of all ages are welcome to come and play. Perfect for busy parents who have been missing their personal practice, and yogi parents who want to introduce their children to the practice.

Breathing, storytelling and visualization games encourage parents and children to use their imagination, relax, and practice self-mastery. Through interactive games and playful, animated postures families learn about nature and their outer environment while exploring the fundamental anatomy of the inner-self.
DREAM BEAT May: Gemini New Moon

@ Sixth Street Community Center

Much love to all that came out and made it special 
       Thank you to everyone who made this New Moon Ritual Possible! Each and everyone of you so many to name because we all did our part and showed up ready for transformation and trusting the process. LOVE YOU ALL. I am still floating on air that Abria Joseph of "Dream it Real" was able to come through from abroad with his sound healing alchemy and give us all a taste of the magic he brought to our Thailand adventure. Looking forward to more connections with you all.
I will be sharing music and insights that keep us vibrating high until our next gathering together.
Please check out my blog
( or

EVEN BETTER become an 
Undakova patreon and share in the wealth of goodies and (exclusive music from the events, PDFs of my affirmations, teachings, and behind the scenes blessings)
Be behind the movement link
You've inspired me to shine my light and if you want to really own the truth of our relationship and assist me in continually inspiring others as well as gain a daily dose of inspiration and be the first to know about developments please click the link and be a part of building and sustaining our community as well as fully actualize the new paradigm NOW. #chargeup
As Dream Beat came to a close... Kali Xion's doula Akhet came thru with the #spiritbaby pendulum readings!! ☄️ — photo with Bailey Rollins and Katie Cercone.
Regain a sense of union with spirit in the epic High Priestess Cypher to come at Unifier. Feel and see everyone as one unified sound vibration.
Thank you for your love, kindness and support always. Please take a moment to spread the word about the UNDAKOVA eZine to those who might appreciate it. With love and light.



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