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UNDAKOVA UPDATE: See through the creators eyes

What if you looked at your life through the lens of pure love?
I made it 38 years around the sun!
A spiritual warrior in human form.
When looking back at my life through the lens of pure love. . . there is nothing that I would change, nothing I am ashamed of, or no part of me that I want to abandon.
I still have more aspirations and work to do to complete my divine purpose and inner transformation. The first volume of 9 is completed and called "Wisdom" Please have a listen. Support
UNDAKOVA ENTERPRISES by buying the "Wisdom Album" on iTunes. I have been working hard if you have yet to purchased any UNDAKOVA music lately then I request a raise :)
August 1st 2015 I literally was spending my birthday on a mountain top called "Goddess Mountain" during a full moon.
Little did I know I was dialing it in to meet the goddess of my dreams. She who is supportive of my inner goddess and feminine water like qualities, and my masculine fire like qualities as well. I am super grateful this year around the sun for 
Katie Cercone for making my birthday one that I will cherish always. I also thank you for taking the time to give such beautiful birthday wishes and love. "I got the sweetest Love hangover I don't want to get over." Excited to connect with you more in the next days to come under the New Moon. Blessings.
To see one's true perfection, their innocence and goodness one must develop the eyes of the "creator." This is how I choose to see others, especially my partner Katie as we embark on parenthood together and more spiritual growth. Check out UNDAKOVA HIP HOP YOGA
Our combination of positive and conscious Hip Hop music, mindful breathing, animated poses, and basic yogic principles helps promote coordination and body awareness. Breathing, storytelling and visualization games encourage youth to use their imagination, relax, and practice self-mastery. Through interactive games and playful, animated postures youth learn about nature and their outer environment while exploring the fundamental anatomy of the inner-self.
Undakova Hip Hop Yoga photo from this year's Unifier Festival by Elisa Ghs 
AUGUST 18th 2016

I’ve been keeping a secret for a while.
For the past year, I’ve been building the foundation for the next Financially Free and Focused Full Moon course. This coaching course is where I work with heart centered entrepreneurs privately and support them to make their business dreams a reality. Each year I coach based on a specific theme.
Last year was "Wisdom." 

This year's theme is “Health”. I have opened a few select spaces for people ushering the new paradigm.

Rachael says "Before I met David (Undakova), I always had a dream of opening my own center for children and families using the arts. I didn’t know how I would achieve it but secretly hoped that in the future it would just fall into place. When I met him through a spiritual community, he shared with me that he has a business in helping creative humans like myself follow their dreams and make them reality. Honestly, I had no clue on what he really meant, but I felt it in kinesthetically, in my gut, that I could trust him.
AUGUST 31st 2016
Calling all artists, activists, and educators! Are you currently seeking a meaningful way to expand your craft while giving back to young people? BEAT’s bi-annual Teach The Teacher training is now accepting applications for the Fall season! This semester long program begins with a 3-day intensive training August 31st - September 2nd, ultimately culminating in BEAT Certification. Teach The Teacher is the perfect place to connect with dedicated artists and educators, discover the art of facilitation, and empower yourself to thrive doing what you love AND make a difference in the process. Check out more details and begin your application process here… Applications completed by August 3rd receive a $75 discount off the price of the training: 
Good luck! #HipHopEd‬ ‪#BEATGlobal‬ ‪#TeachTheTeacher‬
"The Teach the Teacher program was incredibly moving in a way I never would have anticipated. I was brought to tears during the "Basic Biz” section while listening to testimonials from Y?, Human, Waack One and JLOVE. It was deeply touching the way these leaders related the relationship and conversations we have with ourselves as working artists to our ability to cultivate wealth and absorb the fundamental principles of financial success. Opening to this heartfelt dialogue and allowing myself to feel vulnerable made me feel strong. The community and culture of BEAT is highly supportive, charged by passion, art, and a righteous desire to be of service. Through participating in Teach the Teacher  I am able to be an artist who not only reaches my full potential on the stage, but flourishes in the community as well. In partnership with BEAT I've developed unique, professional lesson plans to empower our youth and facilitate their arts education in a positive and loving way. What a family!" - UNDAKOVA
Sign Up Now
Urban Mystery Skool @ultraculturalothers mystical self-study & wellness immersive for interdisciplinary creatives, post-studio artists, yung shamans, urban monks, queers, Buddha bitches, punk/Eco/hip hop Feminists and radical Others. Hosted by High Prieztezz Or NAH & Undakova w/ Go! Push Pops and rotating guest faculty in Manhattan's LES. Start your application process for 1-month micro-residencies beginning Nov. 1st by clicking the button below
Onboard Application
Sending you love and light always. Many Blessings. 


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