It’s elephant journal’s Much-Anticipated Things-to-Buy-for-Christmas List.
elephant’s Top 10 Must-Buy Holiday Gift List.
What to get for someone who has everything.
1. Nothing.
Why buy anything? Will more stuff make you happier?
2. You’ve been looking for it all your life and it’s right here. Right here is boring, hard, lonely.
3. But just sit. Do nothing. Keep your eyes soft, open. We’re not shutting out thoughts. We’re not shutting out anything. If you notice yourself thinking, just notice the thought, and return to the present moment.
4. If you can’t find the present moment, rest your attention on the breath. In, pause, out, pause. Or perhaps more realistically; in, thought, pause, thought, out, thought, pause, thought…. Just come back to the breath. Come back to your relaxed, upright sitting posture.
5. Come back to nothing.
6. Come back to yourself. Loneliness is your only friend. Loneliness is good, true, honest, deliciously sad and romantic.
7. Breathe.
8. When you’re ready to stop, give a little bow to the sky, to yourself, to the earth. A little bow. No big deal.
9. …