We grow deeper in love when a lover is a part?
We appreciate a teacher only when that teacher is away and no longer there to give the instructions? We understand the value of a relationship only when the thought of that relationship agreement being broken off?
We look back at the history and cherish the moments that were had only after those moments have passed. . . .
But in the moment why is it so hard to just be thankful for what you got?
To see what you have in the moment whether its the amount of finances you have, whether it is the relationship you have, whether it is the occupation you have. And just be thankful and in a full on state of gratitude for every last bit of it. Accepting it all.
Yesterday a friend of mine who I have been trying my best not to take for granted over the years and in my heart of hearts know that they mean a great deal to me by just being who they are, said “Hey like Nina Simone said in that song." "Be thankful for your nose, be thankful for your eyes” I can’t recall which song she was quoting from but the point was.
You are alive and healthy so just be happy as you are. It will all work out.
At the time I was suffering so much and in such pain and anguish I did take her advice but my nose and eyes were still closed shut from the tears. Turns out I didn’t even appreciate how puffy eyes looked and how congested I became from my emotional break down. But in hindsight the breakdown always makes the "break through" that much sweeter.
Looking around me now. I can see that I had to go through that moment of honesty to see clearly and to move forward with the courage I wasn’t allowing myself to have.
Let me leave you with a song called “Be Thankful for What you got” I hope you enjoy and get something from it. Blessed times. Namaste