In my lifetime I have experienced the african american with slave heritage embrace commercialism and capitalism, I have experienced the american american's occupy the space of the minority, the athiest occupy the mindset of the dogmatic religious figure, the privileged one occupy the desert like a colorful festive native american, the female occupy the space of the male dominating ego and opportunist, the religious guru occupy the space of the freakish rockstar, the gay and bi occupy the struggle of the married couple, and the human being aim to occupy the space of the alien in foreign worlds. Those spaces have already been occupied already by others and sufferd through. How about something new? If there was a new paradigm that hadn't been occupied before by another group in time what would it be? I only heard of few who said I just want to occupy the space of nirvana and pure happiness and peace always. For the next years of my life I am only attracting and multiplying with those people lol. Spring cleaning. #projectgodrealization and no not your God that you read about it a story. The oneness who directed your eyes to read this post right here and remove yourself if you thought I offended you. yes that God. Reminding you to realize it today and not whatever your mind space is occupying otherwise that will come and go.
BEAT logo on white background with black, blue, yellow, and red lines and arrows forming the letters B-E-A-T. Bridging Education & Art Together is in black text below the logo. Happy Hanukkah! A candlelight menorah between two blue stars of David with the words Happy Hanukkah in front. Today's the fifth night of Hanukkah and BEAT would like to wish everyone who's observing a happy and safe celebration. Spin those dreidels and collect all those chocolate coins! But as the days go by and you light your menorah, don't forget to "light up" the days of your loved ones with joy and laughter as this turbulent year comes to an end. Happy Hanukkah! Free Breakers Program for NYC Youth It's the season of giving and BEAT has some exciting news! We're offering a FREE 4-Day BEAT Breakers Workshop for NYC students ages 7-18 years old. With schools closing for break, BEAT wants to make sure students still have access to fun and engaging ou...