Presently I am at home typing on a blog which I decided was something cool to do after meeting a fellow blogger Kate from Aussie town. I am presently noticing that it is practically day light and I just got home from Djing. I am going to have to head back out to gain some groceries that are needed here at home. It will be mothers day morning once I get back home from shopping for bread and veggies. Well much has been happening. A friend of mine Trevor has been sleeping on my floor due to his situation these days. Life isn't easy and it certainly isn't easy if you can't lean on a friend every now and then for support. Trevor has been a blessing to have around and has helped me in several ways thus far. He left me with a though last night about appreciating my mother because he lost his mother at 10 years old. Well on that note I am going to head to get stuff done I have to be in tip top shape and positively charged these days. Gotta run.
Presently I am at home typing on a blog which I decided was something cool to do after meeting a fellow blogger Kate from Aussie town. I am presently noticing that it is practically day light and I just got home from Djing. I am going to have to head back out to gain some groceries that are needed here at home. It will be mothers day morning once I get back home from shopping for bread and veggies. Well much has been happening. A friend of mine Trevor has been sleeping on my floor due to his situation these days. Life isn't easy and it certainly isn't easy if you can't lean on a friend every now and then for support. Trevor has been a blessing to have around and has helped me in several ways thus far. He left me with a though last night about appreciating my mother because he lost his mother at 10 years old. Well on that note I am going to head to get stuff done I have to be in tip top shape and positively charged these days. Gotta run.