You're safe.
Surrender and know
you no longer are concerned with that ol' . . .
KOVA here.
I found something I figured you’d like…
I was listening my favorite positive Hip Hop songs yesterday
(Am I the only one who listens to positive Hip Hop still?)
And the opening line to the first verse grabbed my attention.
I wanted to share it with you:
“All your activities either expand or contract
' might as well be proactive instead of surprised after the fact.
When you wait for problem then react
you move one step forward ' one and a half back.”
This is exactly why it could be feeling so difficult to invest in alternative education.
There is so much vision, focus and concentrated energy to create ones desires required.
Especially before any problems actually arise. Don't wait any longer. . .
I am ONLY available Wednesday at 11AM EST.
This will be my last "Clarity Call" before the "real" Lunar New Year.
Respond to this email. Let me know if you can make the 11am time.
One more space available left in my Vision Board Playshop.
Hope it could be you .
Cheers to your success in 2020,
P.S. I’ve attached the positive Hip Hop Song I mentioned earlier.
Hope you enjoy Self Suffice and positive Hip Hop music by KOVA.