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Get Focused Now

You have the skills. You have the talent. So why is your greatness not being noticed by the entire world?

Over the past ten years have you constantly been in over your head doing several odd jobs and working on people's projects that now you have no time to support your own well being, live your purpose, grow your income, have a family?
If you already have gotten a bit defensive from what you read thus far. My advice is don't read any further until you put yourself in a better mood. This might sting a little. . . 

"If you're doing something the same way you have been doing it for ten years, the chances are you are doing it wrong.
-Charles Kettering

My bet is that you don't want to admit to yourself that you might be doing something "wrong." To take a step back and see the facts. My bet is that you weren't in a crew or "collective" as they like to call it. All along all you were in a rut of constant "People Pleasing"
Therefore you were being used by others who were benefiting (ie money, reputation) off of your hard work and dedicating. In the business world they call that an internship (mentorship, pledging, shadowing)  What I wish for you after today is to be totally and fully engaged in your own affairs.
I would like for you to #MindYourOwnBusiness and take your creativity to a more radical state than you have been.

You have learned what you needed to learn from those past experiences.
Exercise your right to pay your own mortgage, manifest your own dreams, grow your own family and travel more. 

Now is the time to take responsibility and control of your life #MindYourOwnBusiness.

 Get your free copy

I had a vision to create a fusion of Hip Hop and Yoga for all ages especially young ones. 
I learned how to use the sacred arts to heal others and to heal myself. I do this by creating safe spaces based on circle-work called "Cyphers." 
In these cyphers we raise the frequency and our vibration through sound and word to be fully free and creative. In the cypher we practice an embodied confidence. We exhibit trust and a belief in ourselves with word skills that take us and others in our circle into the present moment.

Affirm "I now have the tools to overcome all obstacles and use my words to weave spells into reality and embody my creative passion and purpose to a higher level." 

I am grateful to share the 5 Elements of Holistic Hip Hop Yoga and guide others to learn and open their throat chakra and manifest masterfully via the raw power of sound and word. 

If you still want to be an employee, work at your menial jobs, and not turn your passions into a full time business I understand that. Sometimes knowing exactly what your role and task each day is can be comforting. That is why I went the length to write out to the letter every step you need to take in order to have the freedom and security you desire. 

You can get the steps, tips and solutions to getting out of the "people pleasing" pattern by downloading this FREE ebook "MindYourOwnBusiness: 7 simple steps you can take now" for more information on how I do this and you can to.

 Mind Your Own Business FREE EBOOK

You can continue doing what you love and being your own boss. Don't be fooled and pulled back into the distractions of minding someone else's but your own.

How can you be pulled back into distractions?

3 basic ways we can get pulled back into "people pleasing" patterns

  1. When our loved ones share something with us that is of value to them with inspiration that they want us to experience. To be nice we go out of our way to show up for "their thing". 
  2. We are communal and social beings who crave connection with others. No man/woman is an island. It is necessary. So is balance and reciprocity. Is your intent is to be there for others more than it is to be there for our own needs? Check in with yourself.
  3. We are faced with a situation that triggers the fear in us of "not being liked." What if they don't like me? This fear stops us from focusing on our needs and derails us into catering to others peoples needs. 

What happened to the strong and courageous people we know ourselves to be?

Why is it so hard to stand for ourselves as hard as we stand for others? Now you can stop being a martyr and a victim and #mindyourownbusiness???

Within here are some remedies I can share that have helped me along my path. Hope you enjoy.

"MindYourOwnBusiness: 7 simple steps you can take now"


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