The Erotic as B〰R〰I〰D〰G〰E
Between the Political & the $piritURL
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@gopushpops MUD JOY WITH Grandmother Willow
feat. UNDAKOVA photography by @metametagasm
नीचे बकवास करने के लिए
Ayurvedic Mama is faculty at out
ULTRACULTURAL OTHERS Urban Mystery Skool, which means you can study one-on-one with her when you are accepted into our competitive 1-month wellness immersive for radical creatives. To learn more & apply for 2018-19 cycle, checkout our website HERE *
BlessingWAYمؤسسة مستشفى سرطان الاطفال

🦄: > : 💜: > : 💕: > : ✨: > : 💕: > : ✨: > : 💕: > : ✨🦄: > : 💜: > : 💕: > : ✨: > : 💕: > : ✨: > : 💕: > : ✨
: : : : : : : : > > > PA ❤️
: : : : : : : : > > > BEA$T ❤️
☠ @aleesyvon @newyorkmag PHOTO: @heyparkerday
Speak in Visions, in ideas that S$$SSsspin
to the edge of Realityyyy
x x x x x SPIDER CREATRi
DEAN CERCONE @secretprojectrobot
ؤسسة مستشفى سرطان الاطفال
Bittersweet end of an E_R_A☀
Having lived in Bushwick for over 10 years... I made some beautiful memories during "bos" Bushwick-open-studios especially those epic early @gopushpops performances fueled on adrenaline and eros. If I've learned anything in the last decade it's the importance of clarity and integrity in Art and Life. I've lost respect for too many nyc folks who were ruined by becoming too famous too soon or feeling never famous enough. In the year of purification I'd like to see less ambition and more love. Less manipulation, more transparency and accountability. Less competition and more community. I always feared if I healed myself I'd have nothing to make art about. Giving birth was a huge paradigm-SHIFT I'm an empty vessel. No glamour left in the struggle, no urge to fetishize sex and death. No desire to assert myself in tortured riddles and veiled Reveals. Currently honoring my 40 days at home with the newborn baby, content to rest by the river, breastfeed and eat @ayurvedicmama's chia seed pudding contemplating the cycle of life, looking to cultivate more peace, wisdom, and see with the ripe eyes of a Grandmother who has learned what's really important in life
- OR NAH (Fall 2016) ؤسسة مستشفى سرطان الاطفال
Art that involves sacrifice and produces supern☠tural P☀wer !
a.k.a. Rogue faerie locked in a Culture lacking organic female Rite Of Passage, sensuous in her flights Of Language, hovering between frenzy / Reflection singing - swinging - swerving
Wahe! Guru! At home with the babes Kali Xion Williams