Humanity is bringing on a paradigm-SHIFT like a tidal wave right now and the change begins with you, and your total revolution in consciousness. What part of you is co-signing white male patriarchal capitalism? Let's stop externalizing all the egotism and greed, owning our part in the ways we have mutated for survival, and usher in the end of the First World Illusion together. In this hour of power its of utmost importance to get in touch with the essence and vibration you're projecting. Your every thought and action feeds the collective sea of consciousness because you are just as important and powerful as every human being assigned to this Earth and your energy and focus multiplies. Let's go to war with the ego and unearth the dark shadow so we can learn to co-create for the healing of this planet...
☀️ A BUDDHA is a cosmic being whose state of achievement can be described as consisting of Three bodies. A Buddha’s wisdom becomes a Truth-Body, a Body of Ultimate Reality, in that an enlightened being experiences the whole universe as one with his or her own being. A Buddha’s perfect compassion becomes a Form-Body, a limitless-Embodimentthat reaches out from the enlightened beings blissful #oneness with the ultimate reality of freedom to help countless other beings escape from suffering by realizing their own oneness with freedom. The Form Body also encompasses a Beatific-Body - a subtle body or ethereal body made of a Buddha’s sheer joy at being free from suffering, at having realized the absolute nature of reality. It is as infinite as reality, a subtle radiant omnipresence of a Buddha’s joy throughout all things. The third is an Emanation Body, which arises out of the background energy of those who cannot perceive the Beatific presence around them, who feel suffering and alienation. Buddhas emanate – magically create – whatever gross embodiments are appropriate to relate to beings, to liberate them from their suffering, and ultimately to inspire them to discover their own enlightenment and their own beatitude
B R E A S T F E E E E E D i i i G
. . . . . not only promotes feel good love hormones and
bonding, it lowers my baby's risk of colds and viruses as well as chronic
illnesses and obesity later in life. Breastfed babies are statistically smarter
and more successful. For moms breastfeeding nourishes strong bones, protects
against breast cancer, promotes post-partum healing and weight loss. When
practiced within certain guidelines, breastfeeding can also be 99% effective as
a method of birth control for up to 6 months. According to certain lore, breast
milk was the original sacrament of eucharist and baptism within the Original Christian Gnostic tradition.
Ancient pottery vessels from the Chimu culture of Peru depict the Primal-Mother-Goddess nursing her young, symbolizing unconditional-LOVE and the transformative nature of female-Source-Energy. Let's create a better world where all women are
granted the time, energy, knowledge, health, guidance and patience to nourish
the coming crystal & rainbow babies with breastmilk ☀️
PRAYER FAN MAKiNG WORKSHOP @sacredartsresearch
Mystery Skool
@ultraculturalothers is accepting applications for our 1-Month Wellness Immersive 2018-19, which features courses such as @undakova's Mojo Mojo and High Priestess Hip Hop, @gopushpops Pussy Whispering, @ayurvedicmama's Nutrition is Bliss, @mantramundana's Eco-Feminist Permaculture, @ashnilivingthedream Demystifying Divination, @damaliabrams Glitter Priestess Art Fairy Self-Healing Techniques, @aylenlyradoucette Sacred Twerk + + much more.
APPLY HERE * 👁🗨〰➰〰➰🔥
नीचे बकवास करने के लिए
a.k.a. Rogue faerie locked in a Culture lacking organic female Rite Of Passage, sensuous in her flights Of Language, hovering between frenzy / Reflection singing - swinging - swerving