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✨🙏💜 The Re-Birth begins now -UNDAKOVA ENTERPRISES 💀💜🕛

"The best way to forgive is to find out what you actually have the power to change  . . . and let go off trying to control what you don't. Then do the work to choose to create your own happiness" -UNDAKOVA

We are finally back in NYC Just had my first day in NYC since the beginning of September due to our successful YoYogi Retreat. We went from waking up before the sun rise and walking directly into the ocean from our beach bungalow after a wonderful home cooked style breakfast. To me eating rice chex cereal and not even going outside all day. (At first Kali protested the Chex cereal and I am sure he is missing the freedom of being able to run around barefoot outside in the same way)
Kali and I had a great morning listening to our live
DJ Undakova music sets and him helping me unpack and go over my mail etc. But rightfully so the little one is still a little woozy from over 12 hours of traveling on land and over 12 hours traveling in the air. He has been doing really great at adjusting considering what we had to endure. Just the time it took me to get through customs in NYC alone would have broke some youth's spirit. 
My partner who is also zonked out from shock of entering the metropolis just completed a bridesmaid commitment to a magical New York wedding.
Now is the time to gather some communal support for getting into the flow of NYC and getting back up to speed with my duties here as a father, householder and back into service. (laundry, reconnecting the network) I have a week to get adjusted and some paperwork to fill out for working with

Can I count on you for support ?

Kova and Kali Photo by Andrei Jewell of
Thursday October 19th, 12-7pm

Now is the perfect time to heal and move from the hell of our own fear and into the heaven of our own love. I no longer want to relive my own history and I know many of us are healing from past wounds and traumas that we are ready to transcend as well. 
Thus it is my honor to be holding space this Thursday 12-7pm for a rejuvenating women's "red tent" gathering at our 
Ultracultural Others Urban Mystery Skool on the LES.
Come share in gratitude for all that you have been through in order to revive and realign with universal abundance. My partner
 Katie Cercone, Kali Xion and I will host this nurturing space for women. We'll share some ritual, tarot, mantra, blood magic, healing and refreshments. If you're on your moon you are especially welcome. Bring your blood to feed to the earth. Please bring sacred items and talismans for the altar.

LOCATION: Ultracultural Others Urban Mystery Skool

Female-identified folks only 

Space is Limited R.S.V.P. to

We will hold a space for women’s rejuvenation, community healing and education in the wise ways of giving your blood to the Mother Earth. Based loosely on the “Red Tent” where pre-biblical women spent ritual time together in isolation from the greater community during their moon, this structure draws together women on their moon recognizing menstruation as a potent height of female spiritual power. The lodge creates a space for the healthy socialization of female-bodied folks, cementing intergenerational bonds between women and recognizing femaleness as a potent source of nurturance, presence, life-giving and death-wielding power. 


As part of Open Source Gallery's "Reimagining Tradition"

A Ritual Art Series (highlighting intersections between socially engaged art & ritual practice) 

Saturday, October 21st, 12-3pm

BLOOD MAGIK/ Birth Herstories

Women of the Earth, Take Back Your Birth: Do you have a birth story to tell?

We want to hear your birth stories - the momentary pleasures, pains, traumas and triumphs as you made your way through the birth spiral. We especially want to hear from women who danced and sang out their babies, rebelled against convention, made art, made love, experienced orgasmic birth, unassisted birth, water birth or birth outside in nature. We also want activist stories speaking out against the violence done to women's bodies by an overmedicalized, corporatized hospital system. We want your story, the raw and honest truth. We want to combine the stories of many strong Mothers into a powerful oral herstory that foregrounds women's natural birthing instincts, hormonal thresholds of pleasure, and spiritual power. 

We want you to bring your sisters, mothers, grandmothers, partners, sons and daughters to this important community forum and rebirth ritual. Let's weave our stories into song, poem and speech form.

Birth Herstories opens with a womb meditation led by doula and birth-activist Akhet (Bailey Rollins) & culminates in a gentle community Rebirth Ritual. Stories will be remixed into an original soundscape by UNDAKOVA. 

Email if you are a mother that would like to tell your story during our ritual

A Rebirth Ritual, Speak-out & Soundscape

presented by Ultracultural Others

Undakova & Or Nah with Bailey Rollins of Moonstone Babies

With Support from Ancient Song Doula Services


Saturday, October 21st, 12-3pm

LOCATION: East River Park Labyrinth

Free & Open to the Public

จำนวนมาก BONUSES 
Katie and I as UltraCultural others collaborated with a few other artistic peeps on the island of Why Nam who weren't afraid to "tie the knot" to create this colorful co-creation Pyramid. The photo above is Katie putting the finishing touches on it and the photo below is a wedding that took place days after the pyramid was created by one of our favorite couples on the island and their baby "Ocean." 
When you are part of the process of making art in #trueNature with your partner and the process of creating the art lifts you up, brings you down and shows you inside out to ultimately bring you closer to your true self, your partner as well as others. It was such a pleasure to play a small role in the development of these memories that will last forever. Much love to Marcela, baby Ocean and father for bringing the tribe that much closer @whynambeach. #gaiamatrix #sacredArt #ritual #ceremony Pyramid creative direction by Katie Cercone
aka @0r__nah
Check out our gram for more Ultracultural Others adventures
Yo!Yogi Cypher Video
Yo! Yogi Sound Alchemy Retreat in Thailand, Why Nam Beach With UNDAKOVA, Or Nah, Bid D, Dirty D & MC Suwana September 2017 ULTRACULTURAL OTHERS
2 Exclusive UNDAKOVA Live 1 hour mixes
"Over 20 bags of washed ashore Ocean Plastic was collected by a handful of full powered dedicated souls for #LessPlasticMoreFantastic ! It may seem insignificant but much of it has been washing in and out of this precious Whynam cove for years and stays there ... indefinitely! 
As the saying goes 'alone we go fast but together we go far'... the Party Sea Passion is about community and the empowering fun of karma yoga. Co facilitated with the irrepressible Jildaz Soul-Bridger and with amazing beats and rhymes by the inspired David Jason Williams added a fun dance element to the gathered pile as we danced and gave thanks along with the inspirational words and songs by Lea Claralinda for this opportunity to come together to shine and be energised in our @truenatureexperience ... big big thankyou to all who turned up to show their love in action for Mother Ocean "rocked it"!! " - Andrei Jewell of
Exclusive ART511 Read: Or_Nah's Birthstory aka Universe Naturally Delivers

"Thank you Nancy Azara for sharing with us your beautiful birth story. Nancy bravely pioneered a modern "natural birth" 50 years ago with the birth of her daughter Nana. This story represents just one small part of Nancy's legacy as a feminist artist and change agent here in NYC and internationally.

Nancy also left us with this beautiful image of a Placenta print created by dipping the organ's tree like branches in acrylic paint, as featured a few years back in the NY Times" -Katie Cercone

To hear Nancy's full birth herstory, listen on SOUNDCLOUD:…/birthherstories-nancyazara…/s-YbnHJ

Stay tuned for the final birth herstory remix by Undakova

Miracles do happen if we expect them. And there are literally angels that walk amongst us on earth. Here are two angels who met for the first time today. Thank you so much Capri Dior Kasai (save the day and you save a life) and everyone for your support. Now to get ready for this wedding in an hour. The magic never ends. :)
Thank you for reading this important transmission. Please take a moment to spread the word about the Blood Magik / Birth Herstories gathering to those who might benefit from this sacred ritual. Feel free to send me a message and continue our connection. As always with love and respect. 


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