There is more to write than a status message can accommodate that is for sure. All I can say is don't be afraid to kneel down and pray. Cry it out. I did just that at work today and the universe brought me a godversation with my cousin Miyoshi that had me laughing back to happy again. And just when I thought I had no one who I could hug and share my true being with Daniela came into my job randomly while I was wearing a scarf on my head she gifted me that is stitched in gold the words "LOVE" and it was then after brief chat that I realized that my prayers were answered and we are protected. My loves. There is a lot going on in this world. Yes we are different I am sure. But so is everything in the forest. And when you step back out far enough from the forest you just see trees. And when you step further back from the forest you just see air. And when you step further back you just notice a blue planet with specs of green and brown. And when you step further back and further back and further back you realize we are all just one consciousness. Please my loves. Cry it out. Pray it out. Hug it out. But do not separate because the media says so. Do not separate because your family says so. Do you separate because your religion says so or your community. Tap into your heart. You are love and you live to love and the only thing that separates you from knowing that is fear. So thank the fear because it is just giving you a heads up that there is more to love. I don't wear that scarf Daniela gave me on my head serving at work for nothing. I wear it as a reminder because I forget always. I chose to hate the train, I chose to hate myself, I chose to hate my parents, I chose to hate New York, I chose to hate the situation I got myself into, to hate the lessons I was having to learn. Until I realized that that vibration only led me on my knees down in prayer. And then I chose to surrender. And It worked.
BEAT logo on white background with black, blue, yellow, and red lines and arrows forming the letters B-E-A-T. Bridging Education & Art Together is in black text below the logo. Happy Hanukkah! A candlelight menorah between two blue stars of David with the words Happy Hanukkah in front. Today's the fifth night of Hanukkah and BEAT would like to wish everyone who's observing a happy and safe celebration. Spin those dreidels and collect all those chocolate coins! But as the days go by and you light your menorah, don't forget to "light up" the days of your loved ones with joy and laughter as this turbulent year comes to an end. Happy Hanukkah! Free Breakers Program for NYC Youth It's the season of giving and BEAT has some exciting news! We're offering a FREE 4-Day BEAT Breakers Workshop for NYC students ages 7-18 years old. With schools closing for break, BEAT wants to make sure students still have access to fun and engaging ou...