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The longest status I ever wrote and then turned into a blog post.


Tonight a friend of mine (who happens to ask for money on the streets) who I have fed in his time of need actually gave me money today to go buy some nuts and raisins because I told him I was hungry. He begged me to give me food saying that it would hurt his feelings if he couldn't repay me for what I did for him in the past. He told his other buddy who I was to him and remembered like it was yesterday the time I was there for him and how we ate good. The day I fed him and sat down and ate with him I actually didn't have the money to spare. We spoke and caught up on life's ups and downs and he taught me that "God and me and me and God are one" that day. That was what the little paper that hung from the yogi teabag we drank as we caught up on life. I put that little paper in my coat pocket and continued to lived my life only running into him every now and then as life went on. And we remained good friends. That coat that had the paper in it I donated a long time ago during Hurricane Sandy. I may not have a lot (practically nothing at all) and I may not be someones Knight in shining armor. But on a night like today I realized that I have a lot to give and my presence is worth something otherwise I wouldn't be alive. I give what I can and even though I know I don't have it all together. It may be a homeless person that is the one who gives me my last meal or I may end up homeless myself. Tonight was a wonderful night. But when I got home and on facebook I noticed people who I gave to over and over again still managed to sleep on me and treat me like I am not one of a kind. I will remember. I will never forget. Just like my homeless friend remembered how I made him feel . . .  worthy of my time, attention and love. I will remember others who make me feel that way when I am down and when I am out. Thank you to those that do treat me with love and honor my presence.

THANK YOUS (mainly from tonight and the past days)
Sam Sellers​ your props to me today made me feel like gold at my first time at the Lesson. Illspokinn Int​ I was so proud of your Art Battle event and your Djing was phenomenal. Thank you for the love and the support when I needed it most. Self Suffice​ yo thank you for the amount of one on one building I get to have with you. And for sending me that Wu Tang song today and bringing me back to 1997. I needed to remember. Conscious Walker​ thank you for the advice on my recent show and well wishes. Kaya Bailey​ thank you for being there for me every day as we move forward and weave in and out of the matrix of lies and deception. DJ Lokash​ thank you for giving me something2do last night. I really appreciate how much you want to collaborate and set this city on fire. Lets go bro. Bisco Smith​ you inspire me all the time. Congrats on your continued success. May we reunite at your Art Opening coming soon. Shawn Randall​ every time you get on the mic I always here a little bit of myself in your optimism and positive message. I love how you manage to stay blessed and unique through and through. Papi Shank​ I love how over the course of time you have remained the same but are growing exponentially as well. You are truly the best of both worlds in every sense of the word. Much respect on your path in education and home life. Namaste to all of you. I have some of the best talented brothers in the world. I am not going to let one bad apple spoil the bunch. Moving forward. "My favorite EMCEES are my FRIENDS"


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