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Feeling desperate, or uneasy?

Are you ready for this months New Moon? The New moon can be a time for connecting to ourselves on a deeper level. This year I started out connecting within through prayer and meditation. What would it be like to connect with a community of like-minded individuals? Will it enhance the vibe? When music, joy and a good cause is involved it can be like this video here
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Happy New Year,
          We have another opportunity to share our presence with the rest of life on planet earth.    

           How have you been lately? Are you at home? or are you traveling abroad like Star Love Princess Lockerooo? These days I don't know whether I am coming or going but to be in NYC regardless is a true blessing. There is a lot going on in this world but how do we remain being the calm within the storm. That has been my New Years lesson. I wish for you to have inner Peace :)
Not to get all "Kung Fu Panda" on you but for real inner peace is a luxury in this city and world of mucho distractones. :) I am grateful to practice self care no matter what is calling to my attention. An essential part of taking care of myself is taking care of the relationships that are dear to me.
So connecting with you is important and I want to thank you for being on my mind for the New Year 2015. LET'S MAKE THIS OUR YEAR.
       NOW is the time we gather under the New Moon. The seeds have already been planted. It is up to us to come together and nurture what we have in the most joyful of ways. I choose to do it while Freestyle Rhyming like this link here.
Will you join us at the New Moon Gathering this Tuesday?
January (Supermoon) New Moon Gathering of 2015
Tuesday Evening January 20th 2015 the New Moon is the best time to begin planting seeds or intentions for what you want to experience this year. Without a moment to waste we let go of unwanted desires and circumstances that are no longer serving us and begin to utilize this wonderful auspicious moment in time to join together and take our dreams into reality for 2015.

::New Moon Flow::
Be guided in song through these 8 foundations of our existence to support you through the modern environment that we constantly have to contend with each day of our lives.
Based on the 8 Principals masterminded by UNDAKOVA.

::TIME:: 9:30pm be taken on a journey which will set intentions, build your strength, open your eyes and expand your heart to experience the new month ahead. This will reinvigorate your soul.

What specifically are you looking to learn during this life-spiritually, physically, financially, technically, intellectually? about relationships?

Hi-Vibe tea will be served while you can read and just vibe before we kick off at 9 with. . .

HOSTED by Undakova (ASCAP) conscious songwriter and recording artist who produces electronic music and djing in nyc as @djundakova.

::DONATION ONLY:: These experiences are only made possible through your generous please give what you feel this experience is worth.

This is no club scene;
this is the gathering of a tribe
you didn't know you belonged to,
populated with like-minded people
from all walks of life --
brown, white, red, yellow, male, female,
tall, short, old souls
inhabiting young, flexible bodies
clothed in fashions that range from
fly to futuristic.
Relax on the roof and
meet them in conversation as you gaze up
at the (yes!) new moon;
or dance with them barefoot, and say nary a word.



:::NEW MOON Community


:::A possibility of what it may look like.

:::to stay connected and updated download DJ Undakova APP on your android phone.
A captured moment in time with
After a day of training on how Taylor Mcferrin works conducts his class at Lavelle School of the Blind some of the producers, beatboxers and I had a bit of creative time to play with the tools we brought to help facilitate the #BeatRockers program. Here is the video link. May it serve you.
Undakova Facebook
Undakova Facebook
Undakova Twitter
Undakova Twitter
Undakova Instagram
Undakova Instagram
Did you download your DJ UNDAKOVA Android APP to your phone? This APP gives you access to the latest videos, live DJ sets, and more with DJ UNDAKOVA 24/7?

Know someone who needs a DJ who provides Music Entertainment and MC services for live events
especially Health & Wellness events? Easily and effortlessly book UNDAKOVA from the privacy of your own phone.

UNDAKOVA's next appearance at the NEW MOON GATHERING  this Tuesday. Be there 9:30 sharp.

Listen to the Song of the Day "Concrete Jungle" by Undakova featuring Broke MC
Want to model? Wear Crochades and shine within.
In this cold weather why not stay stylish and hot literally with Crochades. Visit, and find out how to get your own pair.
Crochades Facebook
Crochades Facebook
Crochades Website
Crochades Website
Hello, guess who's just touched down in Shanghai?

Star Love aka Princess Lockerooo began the New Year in South Korea and now is Waacking throughout East Asia.

We miss her dearly but know that her dream and mission is being fulfilled. She is working steadily on her latest music and also training others and herself.


Now is the perfect time to get your Android Phone APPS so you can get all of the exclusive pictures and information Lockerooo cannot put on facebook because there is no facebook in China! *gasp*

These APPS are not officially released to the public. So enjoy getting the inside scoop. Blessed times



Lockerooo Facebook
Lockerooo Facebook
PRLockerooo Twitter
PRLockerooo Twitter
Lockerooo Instagram
Lockerooo Instagram
Star Love Music
Star Love Music


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