In the year of 2009 I created 10 commandments that really helped me along the way. The point of creating goals or affirmations in the New Year for me is to be a part of the designing process of your life. Let it go. And then look back and see how well you managed to keep to your word. You can check back at what you wrote every month or every now and then to keep you on track. These are the commandments I wrote for 2 years ago in 200 but I would like to continue to make them a part of my growth in 2012. Maybe they will have some relevance to you and your goals.
10 Commandments
Thou shall be compassionate and patient with thyself
Thou shall eat healthy and exercise frequently
Thou shall be impeccable with your word
Thou shall build on a Financial Plan daily
Thou shall not take anything personally
Thou shall meditate 5 hours a week (wow this was in 2009. Now in 2012 I will meditate for 14 hours a week)
Thou shall not make assumptions
Thou shall be a problem solver
Thou shall always do your best
Thou shall stay positive
Those were my thoughts in 2009. In 2012 there are slight revisions I can make like meditating longer hours etc but for the most part it still is something I would love to continue in my life. Glad I created it. One other thing I created that has helped me and still does is the 8 Way Method.
8 ways. In the bagua there are 8 directions that are used to create a holistic balance in a space in regards to feng shui. The 8 ways are: WHWF and RCCC
WHWF stands for
RCCC stands for
I can certainly go over how I used these 8 areas of concentration practically in my every day life and scheduling but that is a whole other post and blog conversation. Let’s just simply figure out how these 8 directions can assist me and perhaps you with creating your goals for the New Year. Here are my aspirations for an example:
I intend on reading 12 books this year that will increase my knowledge and expertise as well as teach me something new that I never known before reading the books.
I intend of following my heart.
I intend on utilizing the knowledge I have around me to further my vision and purpose in life.
I intend on being content with what I have and seeing the beauty and knowledge from what is already within and around me.
I intend on learning Tai Chi
I intend on jogging in Prospect Park once a week ( I no longer live in Brooklyn so this will be changed to I intend on working out from home until I reach my fitness goals )
I intend on learning to control my anger in ways that are productive and positive for me and those who love me.
I intend on meditating every day twice a day.
I intend on starting my own business to move from being self-employed to having a small team of like minded professionals assisting my vision for Undakova.
I intend on transforming my business into a business that not only produces the finest entertainment but helps uplift the health and wellness market as well.
I intend on being financially free and independent of all ties to others financially. (like my student loans)
I intend on teaching yoga to adults and children in locally and internationally.
I intend on copyrighting and trade marking all of my creative materials and trademarks.
I intend on building my Undakova brand to a level of esteem I can be proud of.
I intend on forming a closer bond with Mi-Kyoung, my mom and my brother.
I intend on moving forward in my life and dating as a way of expressing my true self and letting go of the past.
I intend on increasing my social network by double by the year 2013
I intend on experiencing closeness and oneness with all people in my life
I intend to follow my heart and give to myself as well as my partner with love and care to inspire freedom and happiness in us both. (PS this goes out to my love jewel)
I intend on buying electronic device that will enable me to take better photos and video
I intend on buying the most expensive, efficient, and fastest Mac computer that will enable me to do what I already love to do more efficiently. Making music, blogging, creating videos, teaching, communicating etc.
I intend on creating another successful album of music and original compositions.
I intend on staying focussed on my creativity as a way to express my souls purpose to the world and grow as a more spiritually aware person.
I intend on growing my ability to communicate.
I intend on utilizing my abilities to communicate using social networks
I intend on learning the language of Korean and perfecting my typing and English skills.
I intend on traveling to Russia, Asia, Africa, Korea, Hawaii, Europe and Japan
I intend on earning 80,000 to my personal bank account for myself and my family.
I intend on traveling for business and spreading my brand and talents abroad through publishing, broadcasting and visiting others with my workshops.
I intend on creating events that support the health and wellness of humanity and generate money, love, happiness and abundance for all.
So that is one way you can use the 8 ways to outline a structure for your goals this year and in life. If you want to use the 8 ways every day to inch forward be my guest. That is what I do daily. Just email me at and I will give you more information on how I structure my life around the 8 ways. As a scheduling tool you can use the 8 ways so you can create each day in a more holistic fashion tailoring your actions to several aspects of your self and spiritual needs. Peace and love.