If the human being is capable of applying our consciousne
If the human being is capable of applying our consciousness and intentions on water thus changing its physical makeup and energy due to the fact that we are made of water ourselves etc. Then can we not heal the water of Japan and its Nuclear potency. If you believe.
“If you believe” was a song that a friend of mine wrote from Sri Lanka and he wanted to dedicate it the people who suffered in that terrible tsunami years back in his home town. He spoke of dolphins and magic in the air. Days before the Tsunami in Japan I had learned of the horrors of dolphin huntings that happened across the coastline of Japan. Do you think that those dolphins echos of pain and screaming can not be heard by the almighty, by their loving creator. We must apologize for our lack of respect for our environment and our disrespect to the creatures of this planet. We can be washed a way like the bugs that we crush at any moment. We need to dig deep. Its only been 16 days since the horrific tragedy in Japan and we are already going on with our lives using the same technology that the Japanese slaved over to create. STOP THE MADNESS. Lets take time out tomorrow at noon. To Pray a prayer for Japans water and send the positive intentions toward the best possible outcome for mankind. ALL OF MANKIND yes I am speaking to you And the ones who are still stuck on the past. ALL OF US living and breathing today who haven’t faced such magnitude of damages yet to our family and lifestyle. This is a clip from the movie “what the bleep do we know” I recommend it for sure if you haven’t seen it.
Please say the following phrase at 12 noon March 31st in your time zone
“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer. Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.” Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times as you put your hands together in a prayer position. Please offer your sincere prayer.
Thank you very much from the heart
With love and gratitude
Masaru Emoto