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Undakova at Saint John Middle School

Excerpt from Article in Saint John General Newspaper.

SAINT JOHN - In the not too distant future, Hazen-White/St. Francis School student Nathan Savoie might very well have a career as a successful rap artist.

The young man is a natural lyricist, his teachers say. Trouble is, his talent might have gone unnoticed if not for New York City performance artist David Williams (aka Undakova) and Saint John yoga instructor Jason MacLean, who visited the school on Thursday.

"We have a shining star here, a student who has a real skill for what's called 'spinning it,' which is coming up with all the lyrics for hip-hop," says principal Jennifer Carhart.

That "superstar" is young Nathan, a Grade 8 student at the school.

"He is a super rapper," Carhart said. "He can do all the improv and everything."

Nathan said he just says whatever comes into his head.

"If I think it's good, I'll say it," he says, adding that he might, indeed, become a famous rapper some day.

As Williams passed Nathan the microphone, he settled into his role easily, lyrics about friendship rolling effortlessly off his tongue, while his colleagues clapped to the beat.

Williams, meanwhile, was happy to share his talent with the young prodigy.

"I'm here to create a space for the youth here to learn a little more about yoga and the arts," Williams said.

"We're doing it through a cool style of hip-hop, which I like to base on five different essential elements: sound, vocalization, positive intentions - like peace, love, unity and having fun - movement and visualization."

When Williams began to sing, accompanied by MacLean on guitar, the children's small bodies moved in natural rhythm.

They rapped, danced, pretended they were animals, grabbed imaginary "silly" things off the ceiling, made up DJ names for each other and, most important, had fun and used up excess energy.

"It's all about kids channeling energy, whether negative or positive, into something creative," MacLean said.

"Whether it's sad emotions or happy emotions, we want them to harness it. It's using what they've got, their bodies, their brains. The inspiration is inside all of them. If we can create a space where they're safe enough and they feel they can just let it loose, then it will all come out and make sense."

Carhart said she was amazed by the change in the children.

"What's been really neat is to see the kids learning a different medium for expressing themselves through writing and reading.

"It's interesting to watch the kids who might have a difficult time behaving in a classroom setting having an opportunity to excel in an environment they love. They're really happy to be involved."

Carhart's students lucked out through their partnership with MacLean, who has been teaching the students yoga for the past couple of years. MacLean and Williams are friends; Williams came to Saint John at MacLean's request.

"We met in 2007 and knew that we would take our brand of yoga and our love and passion for the arts to Saint John," Williams said.

"I want them to have an outlet where they can channel that life experience in an art form. I give them a little taste of different ways they can use their energy.

"Some of them see themselves as songwriters and some of them see themselves as dancers and working in the arts."

Williams' visit was made possible by city councillor Peter McGuire, MacLean said. The duo also visited Princess Elizabeth School.


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