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5 reasons why Google Docs Rocks

Hello my neyba,

Google Docs has been a life saver for me and keeping my life and documents both business and personal organized. Today I wanted to briefly give 5 reasons why I think if you haven't tried google docs you should give it a try and see how it works for your business and keeping your life organized efficient fast and mobile.

Well for one its mobile. . .
Like I said earlier you will be mobile with your work and creations. I personally use google docs to create word documents that I can see no matter where I am. When I am not even in the office I can look at a word document that I created in 2002 that has all of my business plans or even notes I took from a book I read in them. Its cool to be mobile these days and the internet and google docs have master how to get your work online and in your hands no matter where you are.

For Two Google Docs is Microsoft Efficient. . .
What does that mean? Well it means you have the power of Powerpoint presentations, WORD documents, Excel spreadsheets, and um what else? Well you can make forms and surveys and other cool additions to your documents. Why not take all of your documents and place them online where you can easily update them from every computer. I believe it is more productive to be able to work on a document you created at home on excel and be able to update it from the airport cafe even though the cafe is not your home computer. And who has time to email every document you need to update or everyone that you have ever made to yourself everytime you go on a trip etc. Just have em all in one place at one time on the web and wallah you are being Microsoft Efficient with Google Docs.

This third reason is a charm . . .
Google docs rocs cause I said so. Hahah. yep. I said so. Why do I say so? Well because if me and you were sharing a google document lets say. And if I so charmingly added something to the document that you thought was true or not you could "IN REAL TIME" edit what I said. So we basically could have this conversation in real time on google documents using there editiing in real time feature. Crazy huh? Thats not all.

Fourth Reason, now don't get lost . . .
I have had several computers in my lifetime all using Documents. Although my writing style has never changed. . . Eh em I am still me but my documents have sort of changed. How. Well before google docs ever time I changed computers there went those documents. I would sometimes save em on disk but then again out of site can often lead to out of mind. Jeeez I wish I had those spreadsheets I created when I worked for Jellybean's Retail department and created an excel sheet of all the mom and pop record stores over america. Google docs wasn't around then and perhaps that document is completely lost on an old PC of mine. Now I can tell you the fourth reason is you haven't any fear of losing documents because they will be autosaved every time you are in the creation process also if your harddrive crashes or you change computers it doesn't matter because they are saved online in a database as large as the scientific meaning definition behind the word google. (look that up)

Five is last but no jive . . .
Straight up you can have control over who sees which documents. So if you have documents that only your co-workers need to see then that can be available to them online and your family cannot see it. Imagine creating your unpublished mémoire on how "your parents really made you crazy" and then one day your parents come across your desktop and see that document when they were using your desktop to find the shopping list for the family gathering you were having. Instead of opening the family shopping list they open your mémoire to page 99 Chapter 6 "It all started with my crazy parents" hahah I am killing myself as I write this haha. Ok yeah so my point is this is a major reason why with google you would want to keep certain documents online only, control who sees them, and download them to your laptop when you feel necessary.

If you want to see some other examples of how real people are using google docs then click on where I wrote "using google docs" or just hold your breath for more than 50 minutes. I would do the latter if I was you.

Better yet check thisGoogle Docs Rocks!

I hope this was helpful to you if you haven't chosen to give google docs a try. By the way its FREE To do so. IF you already have google docs working for you then hmm maybe you might be interested in the online FREE phone accounts that were once Googles "Grandcentral" now becoming what will be known as "GOOGLE VOICE" this is going to be the next technological revolution for cell phone and online use so remember that name "GOOGLE VOICE. If you are at all interested in this option to do beyond what your cell phone service can do all for free and online and also with your phone then check this link out to find out more. GOOGLE VOICE

Wanna give me a call using google voice to reach my cell phone. Its simple. Anytime just go on the sidebar panel of this website and hit the button and we can build. Peace and Love.


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