Well here I am in the Willpowa Center after Djing at Swift for 4th of July. The city was kinda slow and quiet tonight. We had some rain and some misty times. Tomorrow is another day. I will be meeting with Lin and speaking with Layton. Two extremely important souls in my life and in the life-span of Willpowa. I am sure you will be hearing more about the contributions they have brought to the table. Anyhow I am staying vague on future plans for now and just enjoying the moment. Set up some morning yoga with a fellow waitress at the bar tonight. I am going to learn a new style of yoga called Vinyasa. I should be heading off to bed now. I am just reading up on the Reason Propellerhead website for tips on production. Yup I am taking it serious once again. My occupation will no longer be Creative motivator of Willpowa but DJ/Producer and Publisher known as David Williams. The Willpowa thing was going well but as far as income and speed goes it needs a boost from me focussing on my trade. I will keep the dream alive through that focus. Well so that means you will hear more about where I will be djing as well as the new music I am creating. Its on and popping. Much love and respect. Peace
BEAT logo on white background with black, blue, yellow, and red lines and arrows forming the letters B-E-A-T. Bridging Education & Art Together is in black text below the logo. Happy Hanukkah! A candlelight menorah between two blue stars of David with the words Happy Hanukkah in front. Today's the fifth night of Hanukkah and BEAT would like to wish everyone who's observing a happy and safe celebration. Spin those dreidels and collect all those chocolate coins! But as the days go by and you light your menorah, don't forget to "light up" the days of your loved ones with joy and laughter as this turbulent year comes to an end. Happy Hanukkah! Free Breakers Program for NYC Youth It's the season of giving and BEAT has some exciting news! We're offering a FREE 4-Day BEAT Breakers Workshop for NYC students ages 7-18 years old. With schools closing for break, BEAT wants to make sure students still have access to fun and engaging ou...