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😱😬 Welcome to your Ascension 💥💜

Thank you 

Thank you for facing all that you have been facing.

Thank you for being so ready to expand your consciousness with me despite the distancing. 

Thank you for rolling with me this far and being interested in your next level spiritual activation.

Thank you thank you thank you for your support attention and feedback. What you give love and connection to literally flourishes before your eyes. 

I notice we give too much of our power away to facades.
Media images, other people's lives on instagram, false idol worship, deities and even politicians.
The physical plane is a weird but interesting place. Living in 3D is cool but this is a 5 D journey we as visionaries are on.


So neybas my suggestion is that within this time of incubation we are in; as the moon begins to wane let's focus less and less on the virus. At least for this moment.


Forget the fear the media been spewing,

the plans of those who are profiting from this (Bill Hates, Fauci etc)

those who are forcing this new way of being based in fear and worry.

Forget about the microwave radiation of the 5G rollout, the vaccines. the Chinese Orwellian government, Marshall law, . . . bats.



Now is the perfect time to tap into the Fifth Dimension 5D and release all limitations. 

These limitations live because we are constantly creating them ourselves based on what we choose to focus our attention on.


Let’s use our time, money and energy to dial in what we do want and less on what we don’t want. 


Let us practice patience, channel in our sense of security and bring divine order back into ourselves and our homeland. What they are prescribing for “America” is not for us or by us.


This is our time to rise above the darkness and into the light. #ascension 

Now is time for our next phase of spiritual evolution. 

I know and respect that a lot has surfaced for you during this time of COVID-19.

Knowledge of Vitality Automatically comes when we need it and I can attest to this because I too was in ill health at one point, heartache and grief in another, fear, sadness, and anxiety in another. Through out I would meditate, ground myself and then ask my higher power what was it that I needed for myself and got the right answer for me each day one day at a time each time. 

Take this slowly and realize life is unfolding as it should.
Now instead of losing power and precious life force energy worrying about the what ifs: I am using my mind to design my life and my hands to bring it into view. 

Patience, Security, Divine Order come from within

So dear 

What is your focus now? What are you dreaming into your reality now?
I am reaching you because 
I am going to send you another blessed email with the NEXT STEPS toward your next level activation if you choose to accept it. 

I recognize you have been on this journey with me exclusively and intimately for many moons now so this is coming to you live and direct from my hands to you with love. 

Hit reply and let me know you are ready for next email so we can continue on this journey together;

And if not simply clicking unsubscribe and leave me a brief comment on why you decided to unsubscribe if you so choose. 

Love ya 
Sending my best always. 
David J Williams

You’re a visionary, you can channel to help you overcome your past, come into the present and you can see into the future.

The world is changing fast. Before we manifest our dreams we must first
appreciate just how far we've come. 


•  You’ve finally got your art business and you are working for yourself but you need more funds 

•  You know what you would like to share to the world but require some feedback before launching

•  You haven’t hired a team still burnt out from scarcity mentality filled bosses and middle men. 

•  You’re a creative looking for spiritual and professional development and are considering learning Hip Hop Yoga.
If you’re nodding your head even a little bit – then hit reply and send me a message at and let me know what you have been visualizing these days. And let's dream it real.    

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ALL IMAGES OF UNDAKOVA taken by Gerald Forster of

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