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Are you a radical visionary looking to schedule more time for yoga, meditation. and consistent spiritual hygiene so you can continue to evolve into your highest self?

I have a solution that solves the problem of creatives like you not have the time, money and energy it takes to be self reliant and able to work on said spiritual activation.

"Having a safe secure J.O.B. will always leave you J.ust O.ver B.roke. You will always have slightly just over your monthly expenses.
What if you could earn more money than your current expenses (and unforeseen expenses) with meaningful work doing what you love?

Work to learn something that will bring you closer to your ideal version of you."

Working with a nonprofit organization that aligns with your practice is one way an artist can afford to live but also keep in alignment with their path.

I've incorporates this strategy into his own practice by working with BEAT Global.
"Beat Global is a Long Island City nonprofit that produces cross-disciplinary programs led by world-class professional artists that teach the arts of beatboxing, breakdancing, music production, creative writing, MC’ing, and performing live"

While I am working with the non-profit organization I am also working my own business UNDAKOVA ENTERPRISES and creative director/CEO of the project ULTRACULTURAL OTHERS in Manhattan’s lower east side. "UltraCultural Others is a social practice fusion that combines the best of the artist residency, wellness program, shamanic initiation, alternative education platform, intentional community, and professional development program." -ART BUSINESS JOURNAL For me "Making it" is creating a legacy.

Similar to planting a tree that gives people shade when you are already gone.

There are simply ways to expand into this reality despite any fears that you have by setting small artistic goals and securing long term quality work to support your spiritual practice.

We teach this in UltraCulturalOthers Urban Mystery Skool's Spirit'prenuer book camp sessions and for within the month long course Monk Mojo 101.

You can also learn more practical steps by reading the FREE ebook "#mindyourownbusiness 7 Steps Simple steps you can Take now."

I am very fortunate for my partner Katie Cercone (High Prieztezz Or Nah) believed in my 5 Element theory of Hip Hop and methodology of fusing Hip Hop with the Bagua and eastern cosmology.

She took the leap of faith it required to get to where we have come today and to continued to support us toward the goals we want to achieve in the future every moon cycle in our collective Dream Beat Rituals.

Now we have peeps from all over the world meeting us in Bali, Indonesia

as well as in Thailand for our Holistic Hip Hop Rituals and Yo!Yogi Hip Hop Yoga Retreats.

I think we have both come through a lot of darkness and obstacles of scarcity and still more inner study and growth is required for both of us.

For now I can leave you with these three core messages I share that have helped me cultivate more light and wisdom for myself and others

3 Core Messages

1. Honor Your Word.

2. Maintain boundaries and cultivate time for intimacy with yourself

3. Increase your commitment to daily spiritual hygiene to safely recharge your body, mind and spirit.

If you feel called to connect and build then please take a moment to fill out the "Integrity Interview" and we can then schedule a call.
From my experience I have seen that just talking things out with a trusted listener who is standing for you to win is healing in itself and can bring a wealth of clarity to your present circumstance. Speak and see you soon


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