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💪🔸Shift your existence 🌕🔻

"How can you be paid more to become a leading paradigm shifter in 2018?" -UNDAKOVA

     You know that Woody Allen quote about how 80% of success is just showing up?

Well, check out this Facebook post from young woman who showed up every day authentically as she was (sometimes even stoned I found out later hehe) for 10 days of the Yo!Yogi retreat in Thailand. 

All she did was participate in my Dreams and Desires and Labyrinth Walks and continual showed up authentically. 

Quick Point. Even when things were out of her realm of experience she first gave it a try and like she said "it really did shift her existence."

This retreat is not only about how to get more money as a paradigm shifter and fueling your self expression. (This you can do immediately) This retreat is about creating a long lasting shift in our own life experience. 

"This retreat totally helped me ignite my inner Magician and Queen of Cups rap goddess  let hip hop, yoga, nature, and good company heal your weary soul"

Yo! Yogi is a 10 day hip hop/ yoga retreat in Why Nam (best Thai beach spot i've been to hehe) and it is an amazing and transformative experience! I went last year and it really did shift my existence. For me, it was so powerful to unplug from technology for 10 days and really pour into myself/ tap in. Get still, open up, get real with myself.. connect with the beautiful people and earth around me. We had a beautiful yoga session every day as well as connective, raw hip hop workshops in the afternoons. Plus, other cool lil things like labyrinth meditations, tarot readings, ecstatic dance, body clay rituals, etc.

David and Katie, aka Undakova and Or Nah are humble, wise, and inspiring leaders. I love how balanced the retreat felt. One moment we are spittin wisdom over breakfast, the next we are laughing like kids in the ocean. (Speaking of kids, these two created the cutest child I have ever met and just baring witness to him is worth the price of admission ) There was also plenty of time for me to go on lil solo adventures and honor whatever it was I needed in the moment. Plus dope food, amazing swimming, etc etc etc u guys already know Thailand is amazing.

This was the first retreat I'd gone to and I am so glad it was this one! Like I said, the balance is amazing. And you really choose what you want for yourself. You can use technology if you want, connect with other non-retreat travelers etc if you want. Choose your own adventure! I hope to see you there 

-Savannah Havranek aka SUWANA


March 2nd 8pm-11pm

MATCHAMAMA : : The Hip Hop Yoga Experience for Earth Warriors
Envision it: You are located right on Irvington in the Lower East Side of Manhattan on a Friday night, surrounded by windows where everyone can see inside of the event from the street level. We are part of the world, and apart from it. This safe container allows us to move in our own separate universe where it doesn’t matter what is going on around us, because you will feel connected and grounded to “flow with your heart”

MATCHAMAMA creates space for summoning and praising the Goddess Patchamama (our Mother Earth), honoring her as nourisher, Creator/Destroyer & Life-giver

Together we honor our healing paths by coming together to drink matcha, cypher with positive intention and dance furiously fueled by ancestral winds of time eternal.

Come vibe with us, get your MC-on... no hip hop experience necessary...Optimal root chakra medicine for those returning home to indigenous ways. You don't have to be a "rapper" to participate and all levels welcome. Circle work is "heart math"
Get Tickets
March 16th 6pm-10pm

DREAM BEAT: Pisces- Wounded Healer

Remember those times where divine feminine wasn't being honored? People would alleviate the suffering of city life by going out to nightclubs and bars on the weekend and drinking their worries away. They would begin "dancing" (aka being rubbed on by some half drunk guy/girl). Dancing to the same music that was programmed from the radio and the same media outlet that sold more liquor over these same commercial mainstream broadcasts. #noshade

As a native new yorker I remember that all too well. My tribe stopped supporting what was no longer serving us and our community. We listened to our divine guidance. We decide to act from a space that not only honored our soul but the souls of everyone around us. We decided to do and be the best for all those who would be involved. This is what the miracle of Dream Beat looks like. (Minus a few others that were there but left before the group photo, minus all of those who have supported us for many moons)

What it feels like? and what it is like? you have to be there and participating, freestyling, dancing, praying, meditating with us to understand and appreciate it. Hope to see you all at the next New Moon Ritual. Couldn't have done this without you and your loving, open hearts. With gratitude. #blessedtimes

R.S.V.P. by subscribing to our exclusive Dream Beat Club space for the Shakti-Slayers that really know whatsup 
We'll email you with this month's location and details...
Like us on Facebook 
Dream Beat

Doors close at 8pm to hold sacred space

This Month's Featured Artists : 

- Heart-warming Cacao Invocation
-Embodied Storytelling Ritual led by
 Libby Mislan
- Conscious Affirmation Soundscapes with Undakova
- Dance warm up led by Charlotte Cwikowski
- Crystalline Sound Bath Savasana led by Or Nah
- Soundscapes and Music by Samuel Barnes of the The Regenerates with & love from Iradiya Galaxia
- ECSTATIC BLISS energy work sessions with Eric "The Wizard of Joy" (A Combination of energy work, massage, guided meditation/ hypnosis & sound work)
Get Tickets
May 3rd - 13th 2018

YO!YOGI Retreat Thailand

Well chances are if you are like most artist you are not valuing your art and charging as much as you are worth for your talents and skills. You are second rating your artistic expression based on your specific industry standards  views of what you supposively can do be and have.
So let's face it. You are don’t value yourself enough. This retreat changes all of that. In fact in this moment in time Suwana has put out another viral Hip Hop Tai Rap video and is set on bringing 8 more people to the retreat overcoming her fears of promoting her art and sharing her gifts with others who might be in the same boat. Come along. Bring your family. And bring your loved ones and friends. I am  here to support you in making it happen. But first visit our facebook page and add that you are "going." Show up 80% and the Universe will help take care of the rest. 

 Yo! Yogi HIP HOP YOGA Retreat in Thailand 2018 
Learn More

I’ll bet you that the biggest thing that stands in the way of your shift in your life experience is that you just don’t know what to do.
What are the steps to getting from where you are to traveling to Thailand and around the world being the paradigm shifting artist that you always wanted to be?

Doubting yourself is the only thing in your way. Let’s make a change in that right now. You with me?

จำนวนมาก BONUSES 

My vision of infusing Holistic Hip Hop with Yoga has been sprouting for a long time now. This past week my partner and I taught a Hip Hop Yoga class to over 20 "yung breathers" at the Supermoon event space in Brooklyn for our favorite Hip Hop Yogi "Shay's" Birthday. 

Feeling like the dream is coming true slowly but surely with the support of our growing global communit . 

As the late B.I.G. once said "I been in this game for years, I made me a manual."
Bring your family along every Monday, 12:30 sharp at
Cobra Club in Brooklyn for ages womb to 5 Hip Hop Yoga Classes and 10am this Saturday at #Supermoon Art Space


Once you get the inner vibrations right the rest falls into place. #Chilloutmix#Undakova #patreonsupport…/dj-undakova-live-chill-vibratio…/

May this music take you on a journey to a holy place for you. This mix is dedicated to my twin flame who insisted we travel to the land of Thailand when my son was only eight months old. This is a photo taken by her of me and my son on our first trip. After we settled into our vacation I scouted out some sacred places where I could play music to serve during our spontaneous journey to the east. These are the songs I felt compelled to play in this holy land. Sometimes I would play music, while my son who could barely crawl was on my chest and my partner took time and space to practice yoga. So in turn a lot of my music was inspired by supporting her yoga practice. In short I am saying behind every powerful man there is a powerful woman. For the most part having a partner, or going on a journey will not make you whole or complete or even calm. Only you have the power to do that. Once you take control of yourself then your outside circumstances reflect that harmony you cultivate. Enjoy

Ecstatic Sadhana Mantra meditation at dawn THE MOTHERSHiP GONG guided by Siri Rishi Kaur@siririshi @lifelabsrk #satnam @royalmothering @moonstonebabies @wonderphant 

Peace, Love, Unity, And Having Fun, have long been the intention of Hip Hop for me, and my family world wide. 
I am grateful Hip Hop has come into the world as a spiritual force that has been a gift for many brothers and sisters to liberate themselves from oppression and the confines society intended or unintentionally wanted to condemn them to. 
Through Hip Hop I personally have found my vibration. 
I found it to be high, low and everything in between and that has helped me walk my truth and create life as my song as I go. 

My life is an artform in itself and I practice living well, speaking my truth from my heart, and expressing the gratitude and joy as well as the lows and sorrows all in prayer and through creative forms honoring those ancestors and spirits of light that are always shining down on me and my peeps where ever we go. I say all that to say be you and continue to follow your path. The Universe Naturally Delivers All Knowledge of Vitality Automatically.
Yo!Yogi's! My Earth Dawgs. Where you at?
Looking forward to celebrating this earth dawg year with you and enjoying the March Full moon coming soon at Matchamamma. See you at Dream Beat in Brooklyn at our new location at #Supermoon

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