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Don't lose your passion.

Three months ago, I was invited to be a DJ at Why Nam Beach. After my set I wandered around the beach and struck up a conversation with an artist named Carol who stopped me to ask me some questions about my artist career. Carol didn’t look so happy. Her tab she ran up for food had cost her more than she had sold so far with her art wares, and there was only one day left to before her boat was leaving back to the airport. Carol was holding back tears. Her voice got shaky and she said, “You know, this gypsy artist thing was supposed to be my passion. But now, I just feel hopeless. I’m ready to give up.”

       My heart went out to Carol. She is like so many artists. (Maybe even like you?) She’s working so hard – and not seeing much return on all of her efforts. I used to be there, too. Which is why I sat Carol down and gave her some of my best tweaks and tips for how to make more money at selling her art. (Some of them were so do-able that she began implementing right then and there!) Her energy began to shift on the spot. “Oh my GOD!” she said. “I had NO idea all the stuff I was doing wrong!”

      About a week later, I got a postcard from Carol. After making some of the changes to her setup, she was able to sell enough to break even on the last day of her trip and have enough money to stop in Bali for 2 days before heading home. I would LOVE to have helped her get a profit – but that’s okay. What was most important was her P.S. It said, “Thanks for giving me my passion back.” It gave me chills.

       This is why I’m writing you today. Maybe you’re like Carol, wanting to figure out how to keep your passion alive. Or maybe you just want someone to “show you the money” in this crazy capitalist world! Either way, If you’re doing your sacred art or wellness service, it’s imperative that you learn how to align with wealth, speak your value, and sell your work in order to travel freely.

       I can really help artists like you make a lot more money, save lots of time – and do a WHOLE lot better at being resourceful and connecting to the communities and networks that support your vision. (I’ve been building communities in New York for 15 years now – and through lots of trial and error – I’ve mastered the whole process, sometimes networking and confidently representing my art and connecting with hundreds of people at one event alone. Now, I get to share all of my insider tips.)

As you already know, I’m offering an exclusive Retreat in Thailand with a focus on Sacred Art & Sound Alchemy. An immersive wellness retreat – complete with daily yoga on the beach, activating holistic hip hop ciphers, sound healing and movement; you’ll do the work of dialing in how YOUR ART and YOUR DIVINE PURPOSE can flourish within the global intentional community we’re creating at ULTRACULTURAL OTHERS. You’ll feel more vital, save more time and make more money. Go on… get your spiritual hygiene up and revitalize your heart space from the crystalline quartz sand beaches of sweet, juicy and magical Thailand. Learn and grow in ways that you never imagined, you’ll leave feeling like a bigger person than you ever wanted to become!

If you're ready to crank up your vibrations and co-create a sparkling, intentional community in Thailand (and beyond) with us, don't hesitate. If you want to share your gifts with more authenticity, integrity and clear results,  don’t wait! You really need my help. All you have to do send me an email – and let me know you’re interested. Either my partner Or Nah or I will write you back and give you the details

P.S. This retreat will probably fill up in a few days. I've never offered this before - and I may never offer it again. And I’m seriously giving away ALL of my best and most rare spiritual tools, worksheets, stellar readings, meditation and mindfulness secrets! (Even the ones I shared with Carol) Email me Now. You’ve got nothing to lose (Except that sinking feeling of wanting your passion back and losing out on the discounted early bird offer of $850 August 7th)


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