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💟 ✳ Goodbye for now -UNDAKOVA ENTERPRISES 🌈🌁🌔 ✨

"We are here to light up the world.
To do so requires the skills to balance
between the independence of an alley cat
with the dependence of the domesticated cat" 
      It all has been building up to this point .
Now is a time to realize what is no longer serving you and CUT THOSE CORDS.
Do not isolate yourself or make decisions out of haste and frustration. But do experience where you are confronted within your relationships and feel your feelings. That way you will notice that even what seems to be a "loss" brings you closer to the authentic love within yourself and your true source of happiness.

        I've come to realize that my career can compliment my purpose but not define it. Therefore I am going to step away from my communications for a bit and align with nature so that I may reconnect with source and my purpose. My goal is to return with a clearer understanding of how I can serve with greater ease and grace.
   I am flying to Thailand with the family for a change of pace. There are only a few more days to connect before I am "off the grid" for a month. Would be awesome to cypher with you
. If you want to connect online video then join High Priestess Hip Hop Global Cyphernar  
     I hate goodbyes but if you know deep down that the UNDAKOVA EZINE will not be of service to you please unsubscribe or send me a reply message and let me know what you need in moving forward. Like I said earlier no harm in CUTTING THOSE CORDS. If you trust that all will be blessed and blossoming in due time then see you at the next Hello. 

Only 2 more days to register for HIP HOP HIGH PRIESTESS 4 WEEK INTENSIVES

Learn to elevate and break through any blocks that are stopping you from mastering how to use your voice as the sacred tool of your soul purpose. Link in to our GLOBAL CYPHERNAR from anywhere in the world!

This is strictly for the divine feminine SHAKTI-SLAYERS, GENETRIX, AND KALI MAAAS.

Have your own authentic voice recorded and polished by May when you REGISTER NOW. Enrollment ends March 30 more details at #cypher #highpriestess #bossTALK #holisticHipHop #womenriseup  🖤

Family Yoga at Daya (for pregnant people too!)
Family Yoga 
  • Where: Daya Yoga Studio  
  • 360 Jefferson Street, Bushwick, NY
Family Yoga yesterday at Daya Yoga Studio was just what the Devi ordered!! Thank you so much to these beautiful families that came out and chanted, shared asanas and had silly sacred fun with us! 

Join us every Sunday 4-5:30 


Photo Credit Gerald Forster of @welcomeearth on instagram

Once again thank you to everyone who came and ran these powerful, New Moon in Aries energies with us. Not to mention the heart-warming cacao, henna blessings and dance rituals for embodied divinity! We couldn't have done it without all of you.

If you're a ride or cry DREAM BEAT supporter and are already aching for the next lift-off you can seed the creation of our next ritual by purchasing a half-price ticket today...

$10 "DREAM SEED" tickets good for our May 26th New Moon in Gemini event are for sale on Eventbrite thru April 1st!

. . . a meditative & inspiring compilation of liberating lyrics laced upon a sonic feast of rhythms & moods
Join the Team
Undakova Patreon Team
What does my support do?
  • Your support helps UNDAKOVA create high vibrational soundscapes that take people on a journey through original eclectic beats mantras and remixes. 
  • Your support helps UNDAKOVA remix and produce hi-vibe electronic reggae, soul, hip hop and dance beats for monthly wellness rituals which draw together creative (radical) visionaries, conscious parents and young ones for community healing, divine incantation, song, dance, cultural dreaming, drums and the linking of magic to everyday Life.
  • Your support helps UNDAKOVA create music and content that inspires and empowers all types of creatives to practice healthy lifestyles and uncover their optimal greatness. Illuminating your passions, intentions and causes as a patreon in this way will help you move through resistance and let go of self doubt with ease.    
  • Your support helps UNDAKOVA create lesson plans and tutorials that assist other creatives and artists to help our youth in having a more centered and relaxed body and mind.
Become a Patreon
SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Dustin who is now an owner of the Wisdom Album. Check out Dustin's amazing comics which I read every Tuesday here at

SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Auntie Marisa for the timely practical support and love. 

SPECIAL THANKS goes out to
Becki, Scott, and Self Suffice for being the leaders of Team Patreon

goes out to Libby Mislan and Marilyn Lowen for their powerful, magic miracle forming words

SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Michelle Joni for introducing us to a magical place for families and yoga fun. 

SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Daya Yoga Studio for allowing us to build community with families each Sunday at Family Yoga. 

SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Sixth Street Community Center for hosting DREAM BEAT monthly and allowing us to create a community sanctuary.

SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Gerald Forster of Welcomeearth for the amazing photos and good vibrations always. Always appreciate your presence family.
Thank you for your kindness, and support always. With love and light.



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