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Dance Party :: Live Music :: DJ's :: Interactive Art and Dance :: Full Vegetarian Buffet :: Workshops :: Kirtan :: Energy Work :: Substance Free

This time we have THE WORLD RENOWNED " Luminaries" all the way from Venice Beach, LA to rock us in NYC! This is a very rare occurrence for us New Yorkers. And with the help of I AM Enlightened Creations. They are here to bring us an action packed and heart opened music experience!

Event Address:
The Bhakti Center
25 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10003
**EARYL Tickets:

On Friday, July 24th we offer you a transformational journey through the senses, inviting you into the blissful container of community to journey together through tastes, sounds, touch and visions.

We begin the night with Dancing With Gravity (a movemement improvisation experience) to build the container for our co-creation, lean into the energetic support of The Bhakti Center, deepen our sense of belonging, and release into our embodied hearts. Please come early and join us for sacred play that begins the night.

Live music, DJ sets, and projected visuals will guide us through the rest of the night, inspiring new patterns in our dance, opening our song and expanding our vision as we cover the walls with craypas and markers, and we’ll close the night with a healing sound bath to seal in the transformation of our journey together

Throughout the night, visit 
Taste of Bhakti (Downstairs) to NOURISH YOUR BODY and sensitize your tastebuds. Buffet opens at 5pm! (Buffet not included in ticket price)


EVENT STARTS (2nd Floor) @ 7:00pm
***** MAIN ROOM Schedule*******
***7:00pm - 8:30pm
--->The journey begins with:
::Kirtan and Mantra Meditation By Bhakti Dojo
Go deep into the sound vibrations of the Heart.. and the warming sounds of Sanskrit. Clear the mind and the heart for the next journey of expression…

---> Into the Journey of Expression with
:: Artist Ashram
What does this mean? Interactive Art and Dance! It means we are covering the walls with paper.. markers and cray pas everywhere and getting our expression on. As the drum beats bump... as the body's sway. As we tap into
our own personal and collective expression...

:: Dancing With Gravity by Jesse Johnson
You will easy aquire a DEEPER CONNECTION to your own body meanwhile meeting NEW FRIENDS as Jesse Johnson uses her "DANCING WITH GRAVITY" technology to warms us up for the BASS AND BEATS.

***8-9:00pm :: 
SriKaloGY (DJ SET)
The QSC subs will VIBRATE YOUR CELLS as Srikalogy brings the future BASS and ancient vibes.

***9pm - 10:30 :: LUMINARIES
From one of LA's most culturally diverse communities Venice Beach, arises the heart driven, and service orientated Hip Hop emissaries of peace, Luminaries.

***10:30 - 11 : Closing Gathering

***** Chill Space Schedule (2nd Room)*******

:: Humo Maya - Cosmic Shamanic Tribal Sound Healing Music Journey.
:: Maintain Wellness - Darius L Wigfall
Armed with gongs bowls and things of the ambient nature, Humo will help us experience deep states of meditation. He will be filling the room all night with sacred sound vibrations. Enter and exit this room any time during the night.


---> Live Painting with
 Emily Prism ART

---> Body Painting by Jen (Zen) Koz

---> Visual projections by Jesse Johnson Media Tribe

----> Photo Gallery by Mar Santana

:: For your Taste Buds ::
----> Yes OR no raw chocolate In The HOuse!
---->Taste Of Bhakti :: Vegetarian Restaurant on 1st Floor

$20 at the Door
$10 - $15 Early Bird:


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