Learn Korean - Learn How to Read and Write Hangul So I am officially learning Korean for the first time. I have began reading a scholarly book called "Korean for Dummies." Korean for dummies is a great title right? For me it is because this book is not only teaching me about Korean culture and language but I am actually reminding my brain about vowels, consonants, verbs and other grammar rules and principals that have long been forgotten as far as my english us is concerned. This is a quote from Korean for dummies. Eh hem "Formal english is coming to a slow demise. The few times that we ever hear or use it is in situations that we'd rather avoid. . . " The Wiley "For Dummies" Brand surely knows there audience id say. Anyhoo back to my Korean quest. Yes, I have also got my hands on Rosetta Stone Korean 1-2- and 3 software. This language product might cost over $500 dollars might I add. Is it worth it? Well let's just say I love it! so far, ...
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