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Undakova Update: Healing your Inner Child

"You worry because you don't know exactly how you will attract your desire. Relax, trust and let go. The Universe Natural Delivers All Knowledge of Vitality Automatically to you." -UNDAKOVA

Fall is here,
 If you are like me you have been going through a period of adjustment and integration lately.
Preparing mentally with ritual, asking deep questions, having personal truthful conversations, refortifying with new actions and new habits have all been a part of the nesting process these past months.
To uncover my deepest truths has been uncomfortable but overall extremely cleansing.
I felt there would be calmness after the storm.  .  . and sure enough here it is.  .  . divinely ordered,

Katie, Kali and I are so grateful to be supported and connected to our spiritual family as we continue flowing with our hearts. Let's journey on together. . . 
SEPTEMBER 25th 2016

Your Healing = Baby Kali FUND

   AyurvedicMama has generously offered to provide your choice of ayurvedic warm oil bodywork or a guided cooking class dinner to anyone contributing $70 or more to the BABY KALI FUND for the family's 40 day period of rest and integration. Ayurvedic Mama will be providing healthy, nourishing meals cooked at home. Any contribution is welcome, please pay directly to Elisa Garcia de la Huerta on Venmo or email AyurvedicMama

A $70 Contribution GETS YOU:

1hr 1/2 Deep Ayurvedic Body Work with warm oils, aromatherapy, crystals, healing binaural soundscape and final deep relaxation. 


2hrs Guided Cooking Class Dinner with local organic and foraged greens accompanied by an informative discussion about Ayurvedic cooking for the season. 

UNDAKOVA Hip Hop Kids Yoga is a cutting edge health and wellness program designed  for the youth of the lower east side of Manhattan. We are building the foundation to grow into a Manhattan-based artists and arts organization working across a variety of Hip Hop disciplines to provide enriching Wellness experiences to youth throughout the borough. 

Check out
our website where you can access a sample of our complete curriculum and workshops and let us know what you think.

This questionnaire is designed to give you clarity before we have our Mercury Retrograde Clarity Call together. It will also help me understand you better and how I can best serve you.

These questions may go deeper than most questions you ask yourself in day-to-day life. Believe me, you'll begin to appreciate this focus and honesty once you witness the transformations it can bring. (In fact, I can always spot the people who are NOT ready for clarity when they don't send me the questionnaire back!)

Please fill this out, save it to your computer, and email it to me at at least 24 hours before your call. Please note that I cannot be available for your Mercury Retrograde Clarity Call until I receive this questionnaire back. (Sorry! But I require a high level of accountability! I find that people appreciate me for it!)


Urban Mystery Skool @ultraculturalothers mystical self-study & wellness immersive for interdisciplinary creatives, post-studio artists, yung shamans, urban monks, queers, Buddha bitches, punk/Eco/hip hop Feminists and radical Others. Hosted by High Prieztezz Or NAH & Undakova w/ Go! Push Pops and rotating guest faculty in Manhattan's LES. Start your application process for 1-month micro-residencies beginning Nov. 1st by clicking the button below
Onboard Application
Thank you for being with me during this birth of a new period in my life. And for reminding me to believe that the road I am traveling will always lead to a place of light, love and joy. Looking forward to hearing from you


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