What if what we told our self we always manifested? Yesterday I was telling myself that it was a struggle to be an artist in New York. It was hard to build with and reach my like minded community because of money woes and the daily grind of the city that was draining. I told myself that I wasn't good enough that my black rage had no purpose in the world I lived in. That my sadness and hurt for what is going on would never be understood by anyone because I was special and unique and no one could understand me but God.
But today I know that we are all one and going through our transformations. We are all connected whether or not in the physical realm daily or not. We are all feeling rage for the injustices we see in the world and my anger has a place and an outlet where I can fine tune it to create solutions instead of highlighting the problems. And I told myself at 5:45am that I AM GOOD ENOUGH and even though I may cry and be a sensitive brother that my vulnerability is my biggest strength. It is what cracks my heart open and allows me to take more in. To seal up those sad wounds and fill them with self love and admiration for my path in life. Because I am a creative person like everyone else and what I tell myself creates my reality. And my reality is is amazing, filled with love, ease and grace. Ah MAZ ING! Lets go!