January 7 th 8pm SHARP JahFurry & Kochie Banton opening set dubsplosion 7:30pm SHARP $5 or FREE w/ APAP badge BAMBOO 24 1st Ave (btwn 1st and 2nd St) FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE (please share!) — https://www.facebook.com/events/145365268909019/ AKIM FUNK BUDDHA — MC, dancer, beatboxer, throat-singer, martial artist, choreographer drummer SWISS CHRIS (former musical director, John Legend) http://youtube.com/swisschrisdrum s International Waacking dance champion PRINCESS LOCKEROO check out “SPY” from So You Think You Can Dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ea053QadGY Beatboxer ADAM MATTA http://adammatta.com/ + Yalini Dream (Sri Lankan Hip Hop Dance); Yuko Kubota — The Funky Geisha; Helen Yee, violin; Chern Hwei, Violin; Joey Chang, Cello *********** JAHFURRY & KOCHIE BANTON JahFurry & Kochie “To Love Somebody” *********** AKIM at KENNEDY CENTER AKIM with JEFF BRIDGES AKIM in THAILAND AKIM...
Daily happenings, Videos, Original Music and Song Lyrics by Mystical Music and Art