“ You can make a speech: people forget it the next day. You put the information in a leaflet: people hold onto it for a week and throw it away. But if you write a song and put that information in a song, people hear it, remember it, and sing it: it lives on.” - Joe Hill. (Labor activist and songwriter) This Labor Day, BEAT sends a HUGE shout-out to our Teaching Artists who invest their labor in keeping the culture alive through making art and music and teaching these traditions to our youth. We applaud their dedication to upholding our mission of unlocking the social, emotional, and creative potential of our youth every time they step into the classroom. Thank you for all that you do! Nominate a Rising Change-Maker Thank You Louie-G! The BEAT family would like to wish a HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY to our amazing Outreach Coordinator, Luiggi Montanero! One year ago, Luiggi began his journey with BEAT as an eager, excited and passionate administrative intern. H...
Daily happenings, Videos, Original Music and Song Lyrics by Mystical Music and Art