This Saturday, we're gathering for the LAST DREAM BEAT of the Year! And wow - what a year it has been. Thank you to all of our collaborators, supporters and friends that have shared in the growth of this movement over the years. Thank you to the GODS of Hip Hop Yoga!! We'll seal in all the divine play of 2019 with the New Moon in SAG, birth of transpersonal consciousness, during our New Moon Ritual this Saturday November 30th, 1-4pm. For those of you ready to go deep and enter a more immersive Hip Hop Yoga portal come 2020, we’re offering a 4-week High Priextexx Hip Hop intensive led by UNDAKOVA and his High Prieztezz. A chance for local folks to ball hard with the squad - envision activating asana, vital breath and words on power unleashed in the safe space of our healing Hip Hop Yoga container. The full 4-week course four Saturday sessions in January includes admission to our January Dream Beat. Either way, see you on th...
Daily happenings, Videos, Original Music and Song Lyrics by Mystical Music and Art