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Showing posts from February, 2019


HIGH ON HIP HOP YOGA Friday March 8th, 7-9pm Led by UNDAKOVA & High Prieztezz Or Nah DAYA Yoga Studio  in Buswick 360 Jefferson Ave. images: Hip Hop Yoga Playground at Elements Fest in the Bronx 2017 

Hip Hop Yoga Cipher Tomorrow Evening: The Huntress -Event

Full Moon Hip Hop Yoga Cipher  The HUNTRESS   Friday February 22nd 7-10PM (get there at 6 to network and vibe)   Our February Full Moon Ritual creates space for summoning and praising the Goddess Diana (Moon Goddess of the Hunt) whose wisdom will guide us toward our goals. Diana aka (Artemis from Greek Mythology, Bast from Egyptian Mythology) encourages womxn to move into their true power and promotes equality for all souls. Astrologically, this is a time of completing a cycle that began with the civil rights and women’s rights movement, we embody these archetypal Huntress qualities in our own selves and lives through our sacred arts ritual. Together we honor our healing paths by coming together to drink Cacao Lab’s ceremonial cacao, cypher (elevate in circle) with positive intention and dance furiously fueled by ancestral winds of time eternal. Bring a drum or a bell. We will sing in sacred rhythm together. Come vibe with us, get your MC-on... no hip hop ex...

✨💜 One door closes another opens 🌕🐷- Ezine


Why is it so hard for you to mind your own business?- EBOOK

You have the skills. You have the talent. So why is your greatness not being noticed by the entire world? Over the past ten years have you constantly been in over your head doing several odd jobs and working on people's projects that now you have no time to support your own well being, live your purpose, grow your income, have a family? If you already have gotten a bit defensive from what you read thus far. My advice is don't read any further until you put yourself in a better mood. This might sting a little. . .  "If you're doing something the same way you have been doing it for ten years, the chances are you are doing it wrong. -Charles Kettering My bet is that you don't want to admit to yourself that you might be doing something " wrong ." To take a step back and see the facts. My bet is that you weren't in a crew or "collective" as they like to call it. All along all you were in a rut of constant "People Pleasing" ...

😍💜 I am finally sharing the love 🚀🌈

I don't know if you know this but I am a part of an incredible   . . . GLOBAL COMMUNITY OF HEART CENTERED ENTREPRENEURS. The membership includes a private online community full of support and accountability, as well as Soul-Centered and Strategy-Focused trainings and weekly group coaching calls - tailored to the phase of business you are in.  Such an honor to share this with you Click the link below if you want to join me (and the rest of your peeps) in the Uplevel Cafe membership program (and we could both win some awesome prizes too).  600+ members from all around the world. Accessible Online (easy access through facebook). Start your year strong with those who care about you succeeding in your business and hold you accountable. See you on the inside of one of my favorite communities ever. Find Out More