DREAM BEAT SuperMOON in Leo Friday AUGUST 10th It's Leo season and as UNDAKOVA says get ready to "Shine from Within" as we enter the fiery heights of summer, conjuring our inner Lion/Lioness. This month's event falls on a Supermoon New Moon partial Solar eclipse in Leo, closing an intense season of eclipses and unleashing a climactic meteor shower. What kind of spiritual riches do you envision showering yourself with this Dream Beat? Once again we harness the eclipse energy to unleash our own transformation and claim our Lion's Share in life, play, love & work. RSVP An interview with Katie Cercone, Maker of Solara Saturnalia (Kawaii Kali Redux) starring Alees Yvon in Women CineMaker's Magazine special issue READ ULTRACULTURAL OTHERS OCTOBER 1-MONTH WELLNESS IMMERSIVE ULTRACULTURAL OTHERS & DE-CONSTRUKT [pro...
Daily happenings, Videos, Original Music and Song Lyrics by Mystical Music and Art