नयाँ शक्ती नेपाल Contemporary Kali Puja in Bengal photo: @joel.bordeaux ⚔ Kali derives in part from the ancient deity of indigenous Tamil, India named " Kottavai " a warrior goddess. Kottavai rides a tiger, wears a necklace of tiger teeth, and shouts in victory kurava! on the battlefield where she comes to kill, eat flesh and drink blood. Kottavai embodies " ananku " an early conception of " shakti " the dangerous power inherent to the natural world, female humans, and deities. Ananku can be found in the breasts, loins, and genitals of living women, and manifests as both violent and sexual energy. In ancient cultures dramatic possession performances acting out the passionate and violent nature of this supernatural energy were essential to society, and yet always threatened to get out of control. These mother c...
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