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Showing posts from 2018

ORDER is my 2019 #Wordoftheyear

I just chose the weirdest  # wordoftheyear  ever. ORDER. kikiki. It sprung from my desire to educate, share and market what I do. Actually it is something that I've taken on before in the past but stopped doing because I had to become more practical and told myself that no one cared.  But what I realized over time is that I cared (and a few new peeps do as well). I don't want what I have to say to be discounted. I deserve to share my beliefs no matter if they are meaningless to  others because they help fortify what I know to have helped me. So whether I publish a blog about why I love bath's so much or publish a song about "Ganesha helping to Overcome All Obstacles" I will continue to publish on a timely and consistent basis in order.  2017 my wordoftheyear was TRUST, which helped me settle into my relationship and travel with my partner and son when we had no funds but only ideas for our talents. 2018 was SECURE which helped me settle into my financial st...

Honour others and honour yourself with your sacred vision. -Ezine

*|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* My name is David Williams I am an Urban Shaman and the founder of Hip H...

Exclusive | Dr. Sebi's Family REVEALS His Death, Fake Products, The Betr...

♏πŸ’œHonour the divine feminine πŸ™πŸŒˆ- Ezine

*|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* My name is David Williams I am an Urban Shaman and the founder of Hip Hop Yoga and owner of Undakova Enterprises.  I help a gents of the divine become  recognized for their authentic expression and be seen as a leader through their creativity and anthology of work So that they are  no longer dependent on menial jobs that deter them from traveling, having more control over their life, and living their highest pu...