Febuary is coming in with a real swoop of positive energy. A few days ago I was able to participate as a vegan model for my favorite area to shop and eat in the lower east side Organic Avenue . Yep yours truly really was able to feel good for once wearing some threads that were completely vegan and organic. No animal tested products and practically all made out of hemp or some natural product and state. Oh man it was a real treat. My new diet this January has truly been a hit. Speaking of hit. Can you believe I have hit one year in my anniversary of Bikram yoga yep its been a year to date since I have taken Bikram yoga due to Robin Andre's recommendation on January 17th 2006. Wow what a change that has made in my life. Many changes have been in the works but for the most part all is the same. Still working on my djing, my chakras, my eating habits, my living and learning as well as loving, and my inner world in order to change my outer world for the best. The new energy of the f...
Daily happenings, Videos, Original Music and Song Lyrics by Mystical Music and Art